Would you be willing to fight in ww3

Do you think the people of today would even want to kill each other for their beliefs?, I know this still happens, but I find it hard to believe it can happen on a ww scale, the internet made everyone know about each others culture and lifestyle, and the world is so interconnected today.

Yes 10
No 26
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Comments ( 37 )
  • Vvaas

    i would simply just say no and walk away from the battlefield đź’…

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    • litelander8

      “My belly hurttttzz”

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    • ospry

      No *thank you*. Just because it's war doesn't mean you shouldn't be polite

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      • Vvaas

        yes sir!!

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        • BleedingPain

          Thats *yes sir, ospry sir*

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          • Wow3986

            Keep your BDSM fantasies to yourself.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My enemy is in Washington DC and Hollywood and universities. Theyre the ones who have hijacked the nation and are destroying it. I never thought I'd say this when i was younger but I don't think I would go fight overseas. It would have to be coming to my backyard to fight for this shit and I wouldnt be fighting for Washington to stay in power. If the union of idiots that control the nation shared American values I'd go fight overseas if it benefited my people. But at this point what is even an "American"? Anyone can just walk across the border and are declared to be as American as me when my family has been here forever. Theres no unity in this country and im not fighting for diversity when the ppl coming in hate me. I think this country is a sinking ship but I'll stay here when all the other minorities and jews flee to the next best thing. Ill be here buying a dozen eggs for 37 dollars I'm not going anywhere.

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  • Pinkpickle

    Hell no. I probably couldn't even beat a rat in a fight lol. I'd be completely useless my presence wouldn't help at all. The second somebody bigger than me got hostile I'd freeze like a deer. I have no business in fights.

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    • LloydAsher

      I mean you dont have to fight. Typically for every 1 person in combat theres 10 behind them supporting them. Shuffle papers for the warfront!

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Too many are preoccupied trying to figure out if they're male, female, nonbinary, demisexual, pansexual, or if WW3 would effect climate change or their hairstyle.

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  • Bassmachine

    The cigar smoking guys are laughing at the carnage they caused.

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  • Tommythecaty

    I will be willing to loot the corpses and buildings. Killing may be intermittent when there’s a fuss.

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  • jethro

    I don't think you are going to have an option. Either fight or be prepared for the alternate option.

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  • jackstormwater

    I do not think the culture exists anymore that we would tolerate a draft for people to fight for someone else’s problems overseas. Even the days when we might be willing to send members of our voluntary military to fight for other people’s problems overseas are starting to wane.

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  • SaddleGoose

    I would like to fight for my country, if I believed in my country. For the past few decades my country has been taking away freedoms and outright using my taxes to fund art projects designed to outright vilify me for being a native of my country, all the while pushing for mass immigration that has resulted in my taxes being used for the "Adventurers" we call migrants, which has had a knock on effect for the natives of the country and their state of living, and if we say anything about it we're deemed "bigoted" or "racist" despite the evident consequences for the native people. We've even had a leader of one of our prominent political parties go on stage preaching about how wrong it is that the majority of people in positions of authority in government were natives of the country. They don't care about me, they don't care about other natives, and they'll demonize us for telling them they should.

    Let the citizens that made us this way fight for the country they created, and then if I'm needed after that, maybe, but this country isn't one I'd die for as it currently is, and hopefully that will one day change.

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  • Holzman_67

    Ww3 won’t be a war like we’ve seen before it will be a virtual war online with attacks on cyber security

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  • RoseIsabella

    I would gladly fight to defend a cat shelter!

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  • Wow3986

    No, unless they're more inclusive. People with no arms, no legs, the mentally disabled, blind people, and deaf people should be allowed to fight for the country too and to not include them is prejudiced and inhumane.

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  • Anonnet

    I wouldn't want to, but it probably wouldn't be up to me unless I fled the country. Not sure where I would flee to, though.

    To the question of whether I think people are still willing to kill each other for their beliefs, that would be a 100% Yes from me (voted No on the poll because of the title question). Wars aren't promoted based on "I don't like your culture", they're promoted based on demonization of the other side. Ask a lot of Americans whether they want to go to war against China and there might be some reticence ("but I like TikTok"). Ask Americans whether they want to go to war against Russia and you might get more support ("yeah, fuck Putin"). If you can convince people that their enemy is not only evil, but that their citizens are as well, either through their support of their leaders or through their inaction, you can drum up proud soldiers for a war.

    We weren't fighting Germany, we were fighting Nazis. We weren't fighting Vietnam, we were fighting Communism. We weren't fighting Iraq, we were fighting terrorism.

    Tell people that the East is anti-LGBT and we can start serving up the guns right now.

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  • KholatKhult

    Yeah sure why not, what’s one more

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  • raisinbran

    Which countries are fighting? Are nukes involved? Kind of a pointless question.

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  • I still don't fully understand the purpose of russia invading ukraine, is it for land?

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    • LloydAsher

      Mainly for security reasons. Russia is as easy to invade as poland. Russia lacks defendable land, so in order to get more security historically russia tries to create large border zones. So you have to conquer hundreds of miles of land before you get to russia proper. Though that leads to more problems than it's worth on a practical side as you thin yourself out trying to defend more land.

      You can also argue it's about population expansion. Russia has been handicapped by its population not producing more people, that paired with brain drain (smart people leaving) makes russia unable to compete with other developed countries in the future

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      • KholatKhult

        Who is going to invade us that we would need all of this “buffer zone” for Lloyd ?

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        • LloydAsher

          You tell me why Ukraine is considered your territory? The ukrainian territory that wants to seperate is an internal matter which doesnt lead more credibility to Russia. Your media does not help with the image of russia is just the helpless sort that needs more sympathy after repeated rhetoric of stiking poland and the baltics because of helping Ukraine that is currently fighting off your invasion.

          Just saying that theres an offramp for hostilities if you just nope out of the pre 2022 border zone. Heck I think you could keep Crimea if you do that.

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  • Somenormie

    If WW3 was a thing count me in as a dictator

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  • ImDown4Anal

    That depends.

    1. How many fat, unkempt redneck Republicans do I get to murder/cripple?

    2. How many big bottomed, thick lipped, semi-ugly trans women do I get to rape? Ummmmmm...I mean, "fuck"?

    3. How many Ghetto Blacks/White Trash do I get to deport to the inside of an active volcano?

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    • LloydAsher

      I see a future russian conscript in you.

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      • KholatKhult

        How would a Russian conscript have access to unkept redneck Republicans, big bottomed thick lipped semi-ugly trans women, or ghetto blacks and white trash ?

        Are Americans finally putting boots on the ground ?

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        • LloydAsher

          Europe has an abundance.

          Finally? Whe are everywhere already. Even in ukraine, helping train up your adversaries. Benefit of having bases everywhere.

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      • ImDown4Anal

        Nah. Russians ain't shit either. Commie ass bastards.

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  • litelander8

    I’ll fight for my family and my neighbors.

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