Would be able to abort your child if was to be disabled

I used to be wholeheartly against abortion. But after learning about certain disabilities, such as Microcephaly, I would consider abortion.

Yes, but with guilt 18
No 16
Yes 20
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Comments ( 26 )
  • 309uf2o38yf

    I'm not sure, probably not. Depends on the problem. I'd probably end up going full term.

    They said my current one would have major problems and was high risk for certain malformations right up until he was born. But he's fine.

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  • kelili

    Most likely. But if I really wanted the child it would be a heartbreaking decision. I'm for abortion but I can imagine how hard it is for someone who wanted a child to discover that the child will be born with major disabilities.

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  • Yes, but I'd feel guilty because I can be sensitive despite my sense.

    I see no reason to birth a child that I know would have to suffer and live a substandard life. Also, providing suitable care for such a child would be expensive and time consuming.

    I'm not exactly swimming in cash, so it would be bad for both the child and me.

    Call me pessimistic, but undeveloped children probably can't wish to be born, but when they're grown, they can wish not to have been born.

    Heck, I'm not even disabled, but I still wish someone had shucked my parents some Monsanto corn before they conceived me (expression, that's likely just a wacky conspiracy theory).

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  • chrysocolla

    if anyone here is pro life, read testimonies by parents of disabled children. they’re all fucking miserable and suicidal unless they’re rich enough to afford a bunch of nannies and medications for their kid.

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    • I just to be a pro-lifer.

      But when you think about, how fair is it to the child or parent to have a severally disabled child?

      And I hate the religious when it comes to abortion. They would guilt a parent to have a disabled child while they would do nothing to help either; they just want to be righteous.

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  • SwickDinging

    I think this needs a BIG FAT "depends" option.

    How long have you been trying to conceive? What are your chances of being able to conceive again, and will this same problem be likely to come up again? Do you already have other children that will be negatively affected by this disability? Can you afford to care for a severely disabled child? What kind of disability is it? How likely are they to have this disability?

    The amount of variables is making my head explode, as you can tell.

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  • Tealights

    I want to say I'll pull the plug and be righteous about it, but... deep down I know I wouldn't. That's my baby, fucked up or not. Until he/she dies on its own from complications or the doctor gives me no choice, I would probably go broke for him/her and give that child every bit of my life.

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  • Anonnet

    I don't know enough about the condition, but a quick search on it says that the effects on the child's life can range considerably from mild to severe. So, I would have to say no, I wouldn't abort. I would rather deal with the consequences rather than live with the guilt knowing I willingly killed a baby for no other reason other than it was disabled.

    I am anti-abortion, but I'm still a little taken aback by the number of votes that wouldn't even feel guilty about it.

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  • BlindSpot

    If I found out of a high probability of a serious abnormality at an early stage of pregnancy, I would consider an abortion, with input and consent from my partner of course. However if the foetus is more well developed in the later stages, heart beat developed, etc, I would definitely keep the baby.

    Some of the most prominent and exceptional human beings are disabled and some born so, to name a few - Nick Vujicic, Stephen Hawking and Frida Kahlo. I've never had anything against people with physical disabilities and it won't start with my unborn child.

    Everyone has some type of disability anyways, if not physical, there are other types of arguably even more crippling disabilities - social, mental, spiritual, verbal, emotional, etc. Life is what you decide to make of it.

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    • You say you don’t have any issues with people who suffer from physical disabilities, but what about intellectual disabilities?

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      • BlindSpot

        Same. I grew up with a severely autistic cousin. He can't string words together and we have to repeat things a couple of times before he understands anything. What helped was when we read up on his condition and tried to understand all his "odd" behaviours. He brings his own unique joy to our family, I can't think of it without him.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Whether it's disabled or not, I'd abort it. My boyfriend and I don't want children. We don't have the patience to raise one and we'd rather spend our money on ourselves.

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    • I’m glad you realize you don’t want children instead of having a child you don’t want.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Yeah. I've known couple's who didn't want kids, but had them because they felt obligated to. They're miserable and can't afford nice things anymore. I don't want to be like that. XD

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        • Me either!

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    • WarriorGene

      Killing babies because of sexual irresponsibility, greed and rejection of maturity. Great...

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      • charli.m

        Where did she say she was sexually irresponsible?

        Birth control is not 100% effective. Pretty sure I've seen her post that she and her bf use two types together.

        That's pretty fuckin responsible.

        I can guarantee you, like almost all prolifers, haven't adopted a child that was unplanned/unwanted/unable to be provided for.

        Also, fetus does not equal baby. Not at the times abortion is performed.

        Forcing a woman to carry a fetus she does not want to term is removing her bodily autonomy. Would you like it if someone decided that you were going to donate one kidney or part of your liver to save someone you had never met and had no connection to? I bet you wouldn't like that. Luckily, you can't be forced to, because humans have a right to bodily autonomy.

        ...except in the case of unwanted pregnancy. Then everyone else wants to weigh in but not actually help in any way.

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      • leggs91200

        I am not a big fan of abortion myself.
        Keep in mind though that people who do get abortions are typically the same people that do not need to be reproducing in the first place.

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  • sissycakes

    this is a hard one, because sometimes doctors misdiagnose children. sometimes the disease may not be the worst thing in the world, and of course people want to treat their baby the right way even if it means making the tough decision to let them go to heaven peacefully rather than suffer a hard life.

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  • Raving

    I have two friends that wouldn't be here if their parents did what the doctor told them to. One wasn't expected to live more than a week. She's an adult now. My own little brother was expected to have complications, but my mother chose life and he's 17 now.

    I've seen too many examples online and though stories to say yes.

    If it's their time it's their time. It's not for us to decide.

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  • charli.m

    I don't know. I like to hope I would do the right thing in the case of a severe, painful and debilitating condition. For a condition where the child wouldn't suffer agony for the very short time it was alive...it's more grey area. I don't know. Probably not. If the kid had Downs, Idk that I would feel ok with aborting the child for my own reasons. But I can't say I wouldn't do it if the situation arose - it would depend on too many other external factors.

    I don't particularly want children anymore, but if we did accidentally get pregnant, despite our best efforts, then neither of us really want to abort our own child - though we would never make judgement on someone else making a different decision in the same situation.

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    • I generally think I would abort a Down’s baby.Although there is a (smaller) spectrum with Down Syndrome. Some can live by themselves but normally require a lot of supervision.

      However, in a more severe case, say profound Microcephaly I’d abort. If a child can’t think or speak for themselves, suffer from mental illness, can’t sleep, have Cerebal Palsy, etc., there’s no quality of life.

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      • charli.m

        Cerebral palsy is also a vast spectrum of physical and/or intellectual disability. I briefly babysat for a family with a little girl who had moderate to severe intellectual and physical disabilities due to her cerebral palsy. Then you see people like the guy who played Walter Jr on Breaking Bad. Some physical, presentably no intellectual (I don't know the guy personally , but as far as I can see from a layman's point of view, he has no intellectual difficulties. I could be wrong).

        I generally don't think it's my business why a woman aborts. As far as I'm concerned, "I don't want to be pregnant" is the only reason she needs.

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  • libertybell

    If the child would have no quality of life, I would abort. If there was no brain, and they would not be aware of anything. Though it would break my heart.

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    • I would feel guilty; I don’t like viewing human life as disposable, but l wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world if it would just suffer mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually.

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  • curious-bunny

    I would abort. I would like hmm alright doc how much is this abortion gonna cost me? Barley like kids let alone challenged ones. Would just drive me nuts and the child would have a unhappy childhood

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