Why the hell can't they just admit it?

All the people who post shit like "is it normal that I love gay sex more than sex with my wife?", why can't they just admit they're gay? Or that they're so incapable of satisfying a woman that they convince themselves they're gay? Because it's either one of the other, that's for damn sure

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Comments ( 10 )
  • KholatKhult

    There’s a difference between a gay dude and a pervert that’ll bang anything
    I think those types who are like “I love my wife but god I wanna suck dick” are just hypersexual perverts who are searching for the next extreme

    And I think making a post about it is part of the perversion

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  • NoRestForTheWicked

    Bisexuality is a thing. If he has a wife in this day and age, and he's not from some super secluded traditional community, then some part of him loves women. If he has sex with other men, and he's not being forced into it, then some part of him loves men. He's attracted to both men and women. He's bi.

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  • Tommythecaty

    All gay posts are made by straight people who think it’s funny.

    Completely unaware that they’re stuck in a time loop of 2001.

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  • SaddleGoose

    Hey, welcome to the Internet. We have trolls here that make those types of posts.

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  • Wow3986

    You're just a homophobe. It's common with cis white straight males smfh.

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  • Being homophobic gets you treated far worse than being gay

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  • LloydAsher

    I think you are allowed to have your own personal opinions. No matter how shitty. As long as you arent doing actual damage to the community you hate, you have the right to hate.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Personally although gay is good, I think these deviants have an insecurity about their sexuality, they think of all the ridicule of being gay that they have to cling to it, or that society sees them as a disgrace so they degrade themselves, some of them are gay prostitutes, it's that sort of insecurity that makes a man gay, or his parents thought it was disgusting so he tries it to see what it's like, trust me, it's an insecurity. They're afraid it's not good.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    "I was answering the question of why gay people can't accept themselves. Not why posts like this show up."

    That wasn't even the question. It was specifically why the posters themselves can't admit they're gay.

    "There are still mass amounts of anti gay sentiment. There are entire religions that say it's wrong to be gay."

    There's mass amounts if everything. Take racism and misogyny, for example. There's still a lot of misogyny and racism, but I'm pretty sure women and people of color still have a hell of a lot more rights than they did a long time ago, and the same goes for the LGBTQ. Things have progressed. We're always going to have social issues, doesn't mean society accepts them. Homophobia is frowned upon.

    "Gay acceptance seems like it's mostly a western thing and even then there are still way too many groups like Focus on The Family who promote gay conversation and say same sex couples should be banned from adopting."

    Those people are a minority compared to the majority.

    "Reports of anti LGBT hate crimes increased dramatically during the pandemic."

    So? There's still hate crimes against people of color. Does society hate people of color? No. There are hate crimes against quite a few groups of people, does that mean society hates those groups of people? No, I don't think so. You're taking what some people have done, and using that as your evidence that society hates gay people.

    "Society isn't even close to being accepting enough of gay people yet."

    Lol well, that's a lie. If anything, society isn't accepting of homophobia.

    "No I do not think it's fair to say society is mostly accepting of gay people."

    It's more than fair, because for the most part, society is accepting of gay people. Again, things have progressed. Things aren't like how they were years ago, and the LGBTQ has more rights than ever before.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Right, which is why they feel the need to spam the same posts over and over.

    And one thing. Society has become accepting of gay people. You can't disagree with it without someone getting upset over it. So that doesn't make any sense.

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