Why don't we call it the lgbtq-munity

Seems easier than endlessly adding to the acronym

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Comments ( 10 )
  • morebeer

    It should be called Mental-Munity.

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    • Chudders

      Absolutely. Or just outlaw it and make it punishable by death.

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  • jethro

    I don't call them anything. Or I refer to them as "people with an alternate lifestyle".

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  • rockyrocks

    yea i'm part of the lgbtq+ community (transgender and bisexual) but idc how u shorten it. alphabet mafia is a goodn'

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  • Okay, now I'm better understanding why it might not work 😅

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  • Pinkpickle

    That's what the plus is for. LGBTQIA+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, plus.

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    • LloydAsher

      I resent intersex being included. No one asked for a physical condition to be included in a very mental based condition. I'd imagine that also includes the black stripe for african americans for some reason. Just wish that flag didnt boil down to basically "anyone who isnt a straight white person"

      And I'm just saying that orientation is a better marker for these peoples needs and wants. Because the gays already got what they wanted. Trans "rights" literally go against what homosexuals want. Because 99% of those who wish they didnt transition were gay. Now they got fucked up hormones and mutilated genitals.

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    • yeah but it's a lot easier than saying LGBTQIIA+ anytime you want to refer to the community. Aside from which, I'm pretty sure even most Queer people can't even recall every letter in the acronym

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      • Pinkpickle

        Some people do but I don't really see a problem with shortening it to LGBT+ if you can't remember the whole thing.

        It's not like you're trying to not include people if you can't remember.

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        • I mainly think LGBTQ-munity sounds funny in a playful way that's not meant to offend

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