Why does my co worker have long conversations with me?

A co worker who once worked night shift and he wouldn't stop talking for an hour. Everytime after that he would talk me to for 30-20mins. (I have two jobs) Today that co worker complained that I barely talked to him at my other job. Yesterday a different co worker said that male co worker asked questions about me and asked for my schedule with my other job. I said no because I don't want my schedule giving out to people. Today that co worker and I talked about random things for an hour(he was done working)

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Comments ( 15 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Because they are lonely and you seem a trustworthy person that they can talk to. It's actually a complement about you.

    You do need to learn how to deflect the conversations to a more appropriate time. Can you just say that lets have this discussion later, tomorrow, etc as you are busy. but then you actually need to make time for that discussion later.

    You might wish to check with HR and see if they have programs to assist people with social/mental issues (before they get extreme). Sounds like they need to be introduced to some outside activities the enjoy. Perhaps HR can assist in that.

    If not, they can likely make a point to the other person that you are not their verbal garbage can and they need to control their talking to you on general non work issues.

    I wish you well with this,

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  • HannibleSmith

    yes 100% norm some people are so lonely they will forget social etiquette but they get so starved for social interaction they drain the life out of the person that's not mean to them

    they then mistake politeness for friendliness because everyone else treats them like shit because they wont shut the fuck up

    more offen than now they make up huge unbelievable lies that are nearly impossible and are constantly one upping anything that is told to them

    no mater what situation they did it more they did it bigger they did it faster and they did it best

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  • litelander8

    When I’m done working, I sit at the bar and talk to my coworkers. Like literally every time. We talk the whole shift. Men and women.

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    • Is it because of loneliness or bored?

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      • litelander8

        Lol. Neither. It’s to keep the day fun. We make jokes on each other. And complain about customers…. Like normal coworker stuff.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    That's the thing about work. We get stuck dealing with co-workers who are annoying. My job has co-workers in the breakroom that can't mind their own business about what a person is doing and co-workers who gossip and complain about each other behind their backs. XD

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  • profanity

    Are you female?

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    • Yes

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      • profanity

        Probably has a crush on you or something.

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        • Or he just super lonely or bored?

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          • LloydAsher

            Makes the time go faster for me when I have conversations.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I don't want to seem rude, but some people do genuinely like to speak to their coworkers. A lot of people only really socialize at the workplace.

    There's not really much more to it than they consider you a friend.

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    • HannibleSmith

      i agree with you 100% but at some point someone needs to tell them they are wrong

      i know that makes me an ass hole but i go to work to work and i cant do my work if my co worker never stops talking to me

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