Why do fat people stay fat?

I think im just narcissistic but I cant understand why fat people stay fat? I was at Easter Sunday with my family and the fat side went back for plates about 4 times. They ate 4 plates of food and then ate desert. These family members that kept going back are severly obese. It actually disgusted me and I walked away from the table to get away from them because they smacked their food and ate like they were starving to death.

Why do people allow themselves to get like that? Do people not look in the mirror and not feel disgusted with what they see? Surely they know they are going to have serious heart problems by 50. I can understand drug addiction but food addiction is something that baffles me. Its an epidemic in the USA that we normalized and I heard it has started to spread to Europe as well.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Go look up what causes things to be addictive.

    Hope this helps.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Realistically, many just outright do not care. Similar to every other addiction. How many tobacco smokers do you know that honestly believe smoking is healthy for them? I would wager the number is either 0 or 1.

    Those that *do* care have to face the same issues with breaking an addiction. Stopping habits isn't easy for everyone and not everyone has the same willpower.

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    • Smoking I can understand more because its relaxing and you dont see the direct effects until decades upon decades later. With food you see in the mirror how disgusting you look within weeks. And just to maintain that amount of fat you have to eat a ridiculous amount.

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  • Somenormie

    People stay fat due to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

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  • jackstormwater

    If you’ve ever wanted to eat something but decided not to because you didn’t want to gain weight, you already know the answer to this question. So why ask it?

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    • Anytime I get chubby and looked in the mirror and I say I need to diet to lose weight. I would never allow myself to appear like a slob.

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      • jackstormwater

        But you already know the answer to your question. You know why people overeat/eat unhealthy things because you yourself allowed yourself to get chubby by your own admission. This would be like an alcoholic who quit drinking saying, “Why do people drink?” It’s not a sincere question.

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        • The title of the post is "why do people STAY fat" not "why do people get fat"

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          • jackstormwater

            They stay fat for the same reason they got fat.

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