Who my ex looks like (my mom thinks he looks mentally ill)

My ex is mentally ill but my mom thinks he also looks that but he doesnt because hes handsome hes just pale. I think that he resembles actor Jacob Elordi but imagine him as pale and with blonde eyebrows (my ex has brown eyes too and brown hair but he was blonde as a child and his eyebrows never turned brown!) They look very similar and have the same shape on their eyes but my ex has a wider jaw not so pointy like Jacob Elordi. I think about this everytime I see this actor and it bothers me. He also looks like Josh Hutcherson so hes looks like both of them mixed together you know his head shape is alot more like Josh Hutchersons than Jacob Elordi so he looks like both like very very much. Think about that (im sorry because ive had a few glasses of wine and my best friend is busy) I love to comapre people okay and on the topic of my best friend she looks like Ariana Grande before she completely botched her face as bad as now but my best friend is hotter no offence to Aarianaaa

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Is there a question in there somewhere?

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