White people are the empathetic people

As a black man I never realized until now that white people are the most empathetic.

We minorities lack serious empathy for ourselves and others. Sure we “stick together” but in the end we stab each other in the back. We belittle our brothers to get a head. Then we blames the whites.

But after observing for years I found whites to be more considerate of others, whether it’s about their race, time, or overall general treatment. Whites have a natural ability to be considerate where we minorities don’t.

I often wish I would have a white man guiding me in life.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Grunewald

    I bet a white person wrote this.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Yeah especially that final line about "guiding me in life" LMAOOOO XD XD

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It will be the undoing of the white man. We would rather ourselves be replaced as majorities in our own countries than some random illegal immigrant thinking we are racist. This is something that no other race on the planet would allow.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      It's just weird you talk about non-white people as "gangs" and "illegal immigrants". When there's plenty of people who are there legally and they are from a minority group. And they have normal jobs and contribute to society... but you choose to lump them all in the same group as dangerous criminals. So strange.

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  • Wow3986

    This post is clearly rooted in racism and white supremacy, uncle Tom.

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    • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

      Philip. OP's name is Uncle Philip

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      • Wow3986

        No it's uncle Tom. An uncle Philip wouldn't promote white supremacy to appease the whites.

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          Yeah it's so obviously a troll post.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Why do you speak for all minorities? I wonder.

    "We minorities" ...you say.

    Who are you talking about? XD Which minorities specifically? :-) Or you claim to belong to them all? All minorities ever? Really? :-))

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I was driving through the hood a while back, cause my wife was in the hospital with a new baby. And some like 20 year old white chic in revealing clothing was just walking her little poodle dog at 12am down the road on the sidewalk. I think she was oblivious to the huge danger she was in. She was probably some Californian refugee here that doesn't believe in profiling and if she continues this shes gonna get herself gang raped and killed by black dudes. Maybe she thinks they will not hurt her because she sympathizes with BLM.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Dude. Your old age and your misogyny is showing. Also stop staring at hot 20 year olds. You're married with kids.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yeah pointing out a 20 year old white chic walking around in one of the most dangerous streets in the USA at 12am is misogynistic.
        Even tho a 20 year old black guy walking his dog that time of night there is even at a huge risk. Rape NEVER happens there. You can even look at the dot gov site and only about 70% of the rapes and murders in the entirety of Nashville happen there on that little street.

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          Why would you assume she's helpless because of her gender? Is she not allowed to carry a gun?

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  • LloydAsher

    The soft bigotry of low expectations.

    Want a race to do better? Allow them to do better. Hand holding wont acomplish shit.

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