What should i do with my porn collection?

I filled up my phone with porn pix and vids but I keep finding more that I want to keep. I've gone through them and can't bare to part with any of them.

Junk it and start over 5
Stop the madness and enjoy what you got 3
Buy a phone with more memory 4
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Comments ( 15 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Just watch it online like a normal person. Downloading porn, even on a phone, greatly increases your odds of infecting the device with a virus.

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    • Good point. I don't know why I like yo posess them and view them whenever I want. It's like an obsession.

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  • Somenormie

    If you have a lot of collections delete some you don't want anymore and keep maybe a few because the least you want is to have enough storage for other things.

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    • I've tried that but I like all of them.

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  • normal-rebellious

    I think you should discard the pixels of porn you mightn't treat like just a picture but treat as a sex object with wanking yourself, two sins you might be committing, start over on your mobile phone and clean your mind with the Bible, if you don't repent and be Christian now then there's a first time for everything, you might have the rewards of not being forced to sin once you're a Christian.

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    • Yeah right. Like Christians don't watch porn. Your post is a bunch of bunk. You can tell me to stop watching it but don't come at me with the zealous religious crap. I don't buy it.

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      • normal-rebellious

        All porn is is pixels on your mobile, as for what it represents it's just badly lit red, green, and blue pixels on a device that you use to talk on which bear with me, isn't even your mother but wireless radio signals of your mother's voice coming from the tiny speaker on the top of your mobile, therefore you're talking to a phone not a person and you're watching pixels on a mobile phone, that's what it literally is. I think you should forgive yourself for now and discard the porn, it makes you feel dirty.

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  • jethro

    Download them t your computer and empty your phone for more storage.

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    • I can't because I don't want my kids to see them. They use my 'puter sometimes.

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      • jethro

        They have this neet option now. It's called password protected files. Give it a shot.

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        • Yeah I know that but you have to protect each 1 and I've got over 1000. You can't protect the whole folder like you can on your phone.

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          • jethro

            Uhhh yes you can. Put the files into a folder and then password protect the folder. Or you can zip the files and password protect the zip file.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Give them to a Puerto rican child

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Stop watching it. Who watches that in 2022??

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Copy them to a PC, and then onto an external SSD drive.

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