What is your personal iq? and also, what’s the highest iq score possible?

Just wondering what your personal “IQ Level/Score” is? My psychiatrist who treats me claims mine is 90??? What’s your personal IQ Score? And also, what’s the “Highest IQ Level” a person is possible to achieve? 150? 200? 250???? Thanks, just trying to educate myself more on how IQ works???

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Comments ( 25 )
  • Tinybird

    no idea. I think they're dumb anyway. It focuses more on academic intelligence, remembering the crap you learnt in school, and wit. When there are other levels of intelligence such as creative intelligence, and imagination, and emotional intelligence, where I prosper.

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    • dirtybirdy

      I agree

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  • Vvaas

    the last time i had an iq test was when i was around 15 - 16 and i think it was 118 or around that mark

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Well someone’s got to have some brains in this swamp.

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      • Vvaas


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  • Tommythecaty

    Iq is genetic. It can drop due to brain injury but cannot be raised by more than a couple of points no matter what you do. It is an indication of the speed and and accuracy with which you process information. It is the most valid test of intelligence we have. To know more about it I’d suggest listening to an expert on the subject rather than reading the deluge of false information on the internet.

    No online test is an actual iq test. You have have it done properly to know what it is. Vast majority of you will score around 100, some a little over, some a little under.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I've never actually taken an IQ test. The only people I know that have taken them tend to brag about their scores rather obnoxiously.

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  • AsterBean

    Some of these are estimates

    Einstein - 160
    Steven Hawking 160
    Elon Musk - 155
    Bill Gates - 160
    Zuckerberg - 152
    Leonardo Da Vinci 180-200
    Shakespeare - 210
    Mozart - 150
    Andy Warhol - 86
    Troy Aikman - 118
    Shakira - 140
    Ted Bundy - 124
    Lady Gaga - 166
    Me- 123

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    • ospry

      Yeah, that Lady Gaga one is horseshit. She's smart and very emotionally intelligent, but she's not goddamn Einstein levels of smart

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    • dirtybirdy

      Ted Kaczynski, 167 as a youth

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      • bigbudchonger

        No wonder he kept going for so long. Have you read his book?

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  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

    10 and 10

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  • Biggles

    I tested at 155 in my 20's - but understand a so-called "IQ Test" is an exercise in bullshit. What it really measures is how good you are at taking specific kinds of tests, and to a real but lesser extent how well your upbringing compares with that of the people writing the test. And - I'm really good at tests. But I'm also smart enough to know a single score so dramatically oversimplifies a complex question that it's just about useless as a measure of actual intelligence.

    I can say this much though - everyone I have ever met who has brought up their IQ in a conversation, to date, has been an insufferable ass. Including myself when I was young. Don't worry about it too much.

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  • pronk

    i'm mildly retarded

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the dingo scored 700 iq but thats in dog points

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  • raisinbran

    lol, 90. Are you sure you can read the comments?

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    • Kmoshea5

      Don’t Insult my Intelligence!!! 😂. I said my psychiatrist who treats me claims that’s what it is? Did I ever personally say “I claim before everybody here I have a 90 IQ?”. No, never said that.

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  • Anonnet

    Amen to that.

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  • Anonnet

    My point was, who actually takes this test? If it's just about outcomes, the only people it matters for are children, and if it's important, it should be standardized and permanently recorded. Taking the test after you're already settled into your career, or when you've already taken the test before, is just reinforcing ideas. It's not a credential, it's an imaginary number most often tested for just to confirm something we already know (in the best case), rather than to predict or discover anything.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I've done a few,,,when I was about 14 my psychologist gave me the test and it was 110. A few years later in high school it was 135. Also my brothers ex was in fbi training and IQ test was an assignment, and I got 127 I believe.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I know I used to be in the top 5%, but given all the drugs I've taken it's probably quite a bit worse now.

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  • Anonnet

    I don't know, I've only taken it from random online sources. I don't put a lot of stock in it since, seriously, who cares? It only ever comes up when someone specifically asks about it ("this person is really dumb, what is his IQ") or to play up someone's intelligence ("this person is the greatest genius known to man, what is his IQ").

    It's used so seldomly, and the test is taken so seldomly, I have a hard time believing the average IQ is actually 100. The only reason we believe it correlates to anything is because we only ask certain people to take the test to begin with.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think your brain is like a muscle where if you work it out you can gain intelligence and improve processing speeds. They've found that doing things like learning an instrument or a second language reduces your chances of dementia by 50%. I definitely feel I was sharper when I was younger and studying all the time.

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  • sweetone89

    IQ is weird. I was given an IQ test at 7, which was 87. At 12, it was 90. As an adult, it was 115. I think it increases with education?
    Anyhow, 90 to 100 is average intelligence.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Ive heard it increases a little with education but can only increase so much since a lot of it is pattern recognition and speed of processing information. A lot of it is having good brain genetics.

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