What are some of your pet peeves?

What ticks you off?

I have a whole list of pet peeves but one of my greatest pet peeves is when someone cuts me in line and I can’t say shit because I don’t wanna make a scene.

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Comments ( 43 )
  • Whatintarnation

    People who smoke or swear around their kids.
    Adults who act like children.
    Asshole drivers

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    • nikkiclaire

      **Here ya little shit, hold my smoke while I cut this fucker off, asshole. Btw I ever catch you with a smoke you'll wish you were never funkin born.** 

      Kinda like how my dad behaved 😂

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      • Whatintarnation

        Ah memories. 😏

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    • Aethylfritha

      Im 3 out of 5.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    - People talking loudly on phones on public transport.
    - People who have terrible hygeine.
    - Accusations of "cultural appropriation"
    - Women who get pregnant by men they barely know, get shocked when these men fuck off, and then proceed to raise the kid as the most negligent abusive excuse of a single mother.
    - The entire petty fake outrage culture we live in these days, wether it's coming from the SJW types or the reactionary Right-wing.

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    • wigz

      With your fourth point, the men are equally at fault. A man fucks a woman he barely knows and takes off, taking zero responsibility for the kid and not caring how it gets raised?

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      • _Mehhhh_

        I agree. It's an issue of both men and women not taking responsibility.

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  • e51pegasi

    Duplicity, psychic vampires, perma-miserable people. People who are under some delusion that they are the centre of the universe. People who gossip.

    Loud people, people who chew & talk with their mouths open. Bullies, animal & of course human abusers.

    People who react with disgust & indignance when they are issued a perfectly legitimate parking ticket.

    People that walk about in public with their phone (usually an Iphone) in their hand like they are the C.E.O. of HSBC.

    People who carry their pet dog/rat/thing around in a tartan bag with mesh windows. People who don't clean up after their dogs.

    Corruption in public office at all levels, tax dodging global corporations & the governments that allow them to do so.

    The vilification of the poor & the ill expecially those with mental ilness.

    Horrible chocolate, nasty pizza & instant coffee. Crossover cars & their drivers.

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  • Emokate

    Animal haters.

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    • Aethylfritha

      Is hating hairy spiders with fangs ok?

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      • Emokate

        Spiders do a lot of good controlling insect populations. It wouldn't annoy me if you are scared of them but there is no reason to be.

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        • Aethylfritha

          Ok :)

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  • Ummitsme

    Shitty pens that don't work when you need them to. Being hot and sweaty. I live in Florida and don't get me wrong I'm good while at the beach or the gym or when running... but friends that leave their house at 80 degrees, I'm not coming over. I would eat ramen noodles everyday if I had to to afford the power bill to keep my place at 74 degrees or cooler.

    Dull knives. I'm a former chef and they are dangerous and a pain in the ass. How so many people that cook have such dull knives blows my mind.

    People that don't fucking GO when the light turns green, especially when turning left with a short green arrow during rush hour. Makes me want to beat them with their phones. This only applies in a high traffic situation. Small towns with light traffic, or late at night, or a Sunday, you can take a full 3 seconds before you get a gentle honk from me lol.

    Loud sleepers are a deal breaker. I don't care how good she is in bed if she snores, or wheezes, or breathes loudly or coughs constantly on a consistent basis no way. Snoring here and there if she got really drunk gets a pass, I allegedly do that too, but that's rare enough it's okay. I need my sleep and it needs to be cold, dark, and quiet (unless it's the ocean, or the rain). Loud ass birds can drive be crazy early af in the morning too.

    I'm sure there are more I'll ad when I think of them.

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    • Aethylfritha

      I think couples should sleep in different beds maybe even different rooms.

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  • wigz

    Sellers who do not put the price in their ad or on their item. Seriously, go fuck yourselves. What are you even acheiving? You're just hoping somebody offers you more than you want while ignoring the fact that most people won't even bother to ask about your crap since you put no price. And that you'll get a million lowballers. I hope you never sell it and have to answer thousands of pointless questions in the process.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    When people steal my fucking pens.

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    • wigz

      Tie a hubcap to them.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    When someone calls me, says nothing, and hangs up. As if I'm supposed to be the first person to speak, even though I never called you and have absolutely nothing to say to you.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Sexual harassment really pisses me off!

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    • xfg67

      Agree, if you do something don't be half-assed about it.

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  • Nickvey

    you have to say somthing to make the biggest scene possible man or woman say somthing rude about how people that cut in line always have the fattest asses. most of all the other people in line will give out some nervous laughter and the cutter will just think they are laughing at their fat ass. they get super embarrassed because now its not just you that thinks they have a fat ass but everyone. Now they dont want to make a scene because they are in front and everyone is looking right at their fat ass . you can see them trying not to stand on their tippy toes to look taller but its not working for them now their ass is eating the dress or slacks they have on with a clenched ass. you are now getting high fives by the people inline that didnt cut. so you are actually doing everyone a favor by making a scene , because you know its going to be awhile before they cut again.

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  • Aethylfritha

    Just people...Im getting old and grumpy.

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  • People who can't seem to mind their own business.
    People who constantly cut off others, or worse, speak for them in a conversation.

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  • MrsEdGein

    I have a few:

    When people say "And uh" when they talk, like when they go "Blah blah blah and uh blah blah blah". When I hear it I feel a surge of rage followed by an urge to kill the person.

    Second is when radio stations repeat songs. The radio station in my town does it all the time even though their ads say "The biggest variety of music" which is utter bullshit.

    Constant coughing and sniffing grind my gears too.

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    • Aethylfritha

      But not murder?

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    People who drive over the speed limit, and then laugh & joke about driving over the speed limit. They're joking about putting people's lives at risk when there's constant news being shown about people dying on the roads because of fucktards like them.

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  • itachi_uchiha

    Line cutters,bullies,& specially racists (no offense to americans)

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  • horny_simpletons

    Unreasonable angst from both SJWs and anti SJWs.
    And when ppl ignore me rather than tell me if I've done anything wrong.

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  • Trolls and moles.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Girls who don't put out.
    Girls who don't give head.
    Girls who don't swallow when they do give head.
    Girls who dislike anal.
    Girls who won't let me spank them.
    Girls who won't let me eat their assholes.
    Girls who won't do exactly what I tell them to do.
    A partial list, but you get my gist, right?

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    • Aethylfritha

      Try being gay maybe

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      • lonewolf1253

        I have a whole new set of peeves for that. Would you like to hear them?

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        • Aethylfritha

          Come at me brah

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          • lonewolf1253

            Guys who don't put out.
            Guys who don't give head.
            Guys who don't swallow when they do give head.
            Guys who dislike anal.
            Guys who won't let me spank them.
            Guys who won't spank me.
            Guys who won't eat my asshole.
            Guys who expect me to eat their assholes.
            Guys who won't do exactly what I tell them to do.
            Guys who don't like guns and shooting them.
            A partial list, but you get my gist, right?
            I don't discriminate!

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  • Rich_Guy

    I have no pet peeves. I pay no taxes. I am isolated in luxury. I can travel in style either by ground or air. And, managing my wealth is easy for me. Tranquility and wish fulfillment are the themes of my life.

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    • odilo_globotnik

      You forgot to mention your "family tradition" of your father fucking your ass.

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      • Rich_Guy

        Yes, I forgot to mention that. It's how he reminds us to behave ourselves.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I always report harassment to Human Resources! Well, okay there was that one time I threatened to punch this idiot, he left me alone, thank God! People can be so shitty sometimes.

    I wish I could walk down the street with a puma on a leash. Seriously, cats are better than a lot of humans, they really are.

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    • Aethylfritha

      My aunt used to have a cheetah in CA before it was illegal. I saw pics!
      She also claims she had a threesome with Tom Jones and Richard Burton but that might be a lie :)

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  • Silverseen

    Annoying kids
    Lazy people who can’t even stand without needing a moment to take a breath
    Everyone who thinks ok for humans to destroy nature
    Toddlers(those things are evil)
    People who let their kids handle an animal, have you see how horribly those monsters treat an animal?
    So ya that’s all for now 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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  • xfg67

    Supervised children

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