What’s most money you would ever put down on a sports game bet?

Just wondering: Wanna make a bet with my friend on a game that is coming up in about a week or so? But just so we can be on topic: How much money would you consider “Maximum” normal you should bet with someone else on the results or outcome of a sports game? I mean, I’m only wanting to do like $25? If I bet $25 on my team, and he bets $25 on the other team? I think we’d be in business?

But question is: what about you? How much “$$$$” or cash would you consider normal or OK to bet on a spectator sporting event?

$90 0
$20 0
$50 1
$40 2
$10 4
$60 0
$30 1
$5 9
$80 0
$70 0
$25 0
$100 or more 3
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Somenormie

    If I were gambling I would bet as low as I can.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    of all the vices i got gamblin does nothin for me

    not interested

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    Rule of thumb for any gambling is bet whatever you got in your pocket that you could afford to lose if you lost your wallet. Don't go into any bank accounts or credit cards. That's how I play in Vegas.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I will bet $25 on a big parlay that almost hits

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  • Anonnet

    Depends on how much I have laying around. $20 would be my go-to, but I could probably go up over a hundred if I was confident.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    $10 it was the only time I've ever bet money on anything

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