Trying to write for years and never get better

Writing stories has been my favorite hobby for many years but I've never been good at it. I've taken classes and I practice multiple times per week. I have so many story ideas in my head but when I try to write, my mind goes blank and I can't remember any of it. When I do eventually remember its and pieces, I write complete sh*t that doesn't make any sense.

Why do I have trouble writing even after trying so hard for so long? Writing is my favorite thing to do but it often turns into my most hated thing to do because I blank on everything

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Anonnet

    Here's a few tips from a fellow writer!
    First, the basics:
    - This was already mentioned, but keep a notepad or other recording device on you at all times (I like to use a Notes app on my phone). This way, no matter when you have an idea, you can immediately write it down. Don't wait.

    - You can upgrade your reasoning skills with puzzles, specifically logic puzzles and mysteries. Being able to put together X -> (Y = B) -> Z in your head is useful everywhere.

    - Keep your story organized. Everyone does this differently, but make sure you're doing it. This can come in the form of drafts, outlines, summaries, concepts or whatever else. You should know where your story is *ultimately* going, even if the way you get there is hazy. In fact, you could practice taking two completely unrelated plot points off the top of your head and then writing a short story (even a couple of a paragraphs) that logically links them together.

    Now, some not-basics:
    - Really analyze what you write and pick out what exactly is wrong. What exactly doesn't make any sense? Is it the grammar? The logic? The word choice? Are you being too repetitive? Too random? Do you have issues with character names? Plotlines? Worldbuilding? Inspiration? Once you know, you'll be better equipped to fix it.

    - Expose yourself to really good stories. Read books. Watch movies. If you're a gamer, try out certain text-heavy games. And *analyze them as well.* I had actually put this as a basic tip at first, but I remembered that when I was trying to learn how to draw, this was what helped the most, but what I tried LAST for some reason.

    - Give yourself time. A lot of time. If you hit a spot in which you have no ideas, you should stop for the rest of the day. Not only will anything you write from that point on not be quite as good, but you're also more likely to make errors that you won't catch.

    - Know why you're writing. This goes a little bit past knowing *what* you're writing (genre, length, mood, setting, etc), but is really similar in practice. What story are you trying to tell? Is there a meaning or message behind it (and it's okay if there isn't)? Is this story supposed to be read by other people, or just you? All of this stuff changes where the focus of the story is supposed to be.

    Finally, one personal idea:
    - Try doing other kinds of art. Draw or paint pictures for or based on your stories. Try creating music. Try sculpting, knitting, or whittling. There's a lot of creative outlets out there. I'm NOT suggesting you switch and give up writing, I'm suggesting using a second creative outlet to ENHANCE your writing. You may be surprised by how many ideas come to you when you're just trying to pick out what color something is. This also has the secondary benefit of making you multi-talented!

    And make sure to have FUN! Creative writing is supposed to be fun! Now HAVE FUN, DAMMIT.

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  • Bassmachine

    Take notes and record some audio explaining your ideas and put them into writing later.

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    • howaminotmyself

      I agree with this. Record your voice telling the story then write it down later.

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  • Holzman_67

    Have you tried a different method or medium to express these stories? Even a dictaphone perhaps?

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  • bbrown95

    Perhaps you're trying too hard? Sometimes when you stress things and worry too much about getting them just right, it actually makes things worse, and causes your mind to go blank.

    I agree with the comments to record yourself telling the story and to write it down. Writing was actually my strong suit throughout school, and all I did was pour my thoughts onto paper as if I was talking about it to someone, and that's what I still do. I never really put much effort into it.

    I tried a journalism class once in high school and did not do well with that at all, however, because it was way too structured for the way I write. If I have to think too hard about it and make it fit a certain way, it just doesn't work for me. So, perhaps just writing it as if you were telling it to a friend and not thinking so hard about it might help?

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  • raisinbran

    It’s fine, some people just don’t have the ability to learn and remain mediocre their entire lives despite all the effort.

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  • up_my_ass_boiz

    if you forgot it, it might not have been as good as you thought to begin with. plenty of times, shit sounds good in your head but you write it, and you realize it can't work or doesn't sound as good out in the open. all stories are imperfect representations of the story that the author had cooking in their head, sometimes that's for the best - what you end up writing might be better than what you set out to write, even despite your intentions.

    Also, read more? ig

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  • KholatKhult

    Do literate roleplays with people online

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