Time flies way too fast

The days when I was a kid, hanging out at the pool every day with my bayblades and Pokemon silver on GameBoy color felt like yesterday.

I grew up, entered university and wished for those years to blow over as fast as possible. I graduated and started working in my mid 20’s, while still living in my rat hole 1 room apartment until 28.

I collected the keys to my new, 4 room apartment at 28 and assumed that my life could now start, then suddenly covid broke out and I am now 30.

I am in disbelief that time has flown so fast, especially when my GameBoy color days felt like yesterday.

Does anyone else feel this way?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    The older you get, the faster time seems to go by.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • thelurkerspeaks

    Yes. Grade school felt like an eternity, 18 to now has zipped by. I still reminisce about the fun I had in my 20's, forgetting that it was almost 20 yrs ago! Time does feel like it speeds up as we age, and people have theories about it, the best I've came up with to slow time down is to live each day to the max (easier said than done I get it). Maybe getting in the routine rat race of life makes us merge a whole year of the mundane into one boring moment and it feels like it went by quick. How many M-F's to do wish would fly by just to get to the weekend, only for it to be uneventful af?

    Idk, just my theory... slow time down by doing more meaningful things.

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  • playklax

    Feels like yesterday that I was 19, partying all the time, going to nightclubs every night, didn't have a care in the world. Now I'm almost 50. wtf just happened?...

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah, I kind of miss my 90's childhood sometimes. Playing my N64, riding bikes to the 7-11, playing with other kids in the neighborhood, walking my dog Blackie, and eating a bunch of junk food. Nobody's face was glued to a phone back then and everyone played outside for hours. XD

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im finally doing good in life and its going by too fast. I wish I could hit a pause button and enjoy myself. But tmrw im gonna be old. Fuck it I got money ill get on TRT and still have the testosterone of a 16 year old.

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  • Somenormie

    When I was a kid I was always playing Pokemon Platinum and connecting it to Pokemon Battle Revolution to battle with my friends on my DS.I even played the shit out of LEGO Star Wars because at the time I had been a big Star Wars fan.

    Hell I would even play Super Smash Bros. Brawl or go on the Check Out Mii Channel during the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection days. ( It's a good thing my Nintendo Wi-Fi connection USB connector still functions. )Most of my friends don't play any of those games that I used to play anymore these days they either grown up or just living life. Time flies way too fast.......

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    seems like just last week i was livin in the 90s couch surfin smokin the electric spinach wearin flannel listenin to sublime drivin like an asshole in my foxbody and not givin a fuck

    seemed like the world around me couldnt possibly get more retarded and that good sense would prevail sooner or later

    boy howdy was i wrong

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