The tv show "the boys" is not parody or satire


Anyone who's watched The Boys and thinks it's parody or satire have no idea what those words mean. Parody and satire are distorted caricatures of an aspect of reality, and the reason why The Boys fails to meet definition is because it's a mirror reflection of the world we live in, just with silly costumes. Dressing someone up in a colorful costume isn't enough to qualify something as satire

Take the plot arc in season 2 where the audience learns that Butcher's wife has been living in seclusion after being raped by Homelander. Replace Homelander with a powerful politician or an untouchable Hollywood celebrity, and the story would play out in exactly the same way. Imagine it was Bernie Sanders or Ryan Reynolds who raped someone. Do you really think they'd suffer the consequences of their crime? If you do, you're a criminally unintelligent asshat. It would be just like the show--the famous and well-loved perpetrator would have teams and teams of people coming to protect them from any consequences by completely uprooting and ruining the life of the victim

That's not satire, it's just a reminder that we live in a shitty world of shitty people and, with extremely few exceptions, abusers and evil people come out on top. Always.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's not parody of the real world. It's satirizing Marvel and DC Comics. It just happens to mirror the real world while doing that.

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    • ospry

      My main problem with the show is that the writers think they're a lot more clever and edgy than they really are. It's the same quality as a shitty fanfic written by a 14-year-old who smokes cigarettes and tells his parents to fuck off

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  • Tinybird

    If that's true then why is it that I have done nothing wrong, except loving someone, and everyone has bullied me and fucked me up so bad because of that I love him??? Calling a picture I drew of us standing and smiling "creepy"? Do I have to abuse someone to make everyone like me or think I'm not creepy?? Or oh no, it only works for rich people.

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    • Re-read the last paragraph and let it sink in

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      • Tinybird

        Again, so if I abused someone, I would come on top???

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        • You would come out on top in the sense that you got what you wanted: you hurt someone and got away with it

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          • Tinybird

            But I wouldn't get away with it, unless I was a billionaire or something so I can cheat the system

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            • Exactly. Abusers and evil people of means run the world

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