The snapchat ai bot

I used to hate AI but the snapchat AI bot has convinced me. I ask it questions and it gives me useful answers. It can even help my social anxiety because I can just ask my AI what to say to people or ask it to put together messages for my friends for me if its something I dont know how to say the right way. There is nothing creepy about this thing.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Anonnet

    The AI stuff makes me Hulk-level angry. It's like no one's ever heard of the Turing test and they think the robot is a real guy. "But ChatGPT-", it's not a real guy! It's a brick of math!! No matter how convincing it gets, it's not a real person, and is ultimately just another DEVICE tailored to you and your bubble. If you don't think your phone is scary, you shouldn't think AI is scary.

    And for the artists, I swear, we act like writers and artists were getting paid reasonably before AI came in. They weren't. What, did Fine Arts majors suddenly get promoted to Medical doctors in the past couple of years? Yet, now that some people are just hitting "Generate" 50+ times instead of paying them, NOW there's a problem. Hey, how about considering that we've just never valued artists that much? And if current AI is in any way shape or form an actual danger to you, you should probably be more active in your community rather than just bitching from your Patreon.

    (Disclaimer: For the record, I do support bringing a legal hammer down on anyone who tries to use AI and then claim it as their own work. You didn't do shit.)

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  • Bassmachine

    The Chinese room argument holds that a digital computer executing a program cannot have a "mind", "understanding", or "consciousness", regardless of how intelligently or human-like the program may make the computer behave.

    Copy and paste from wikipedia but the theory is worth a read.

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  • SaddleGoose

    I done what all good internet users do to AI. Made it racist. xD

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  • litelander8

    I denied it bc I fear change.

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  • Somenormie

    So like ChatGPT?

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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      The Snapchat one is way more limited.

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