Some normal people live an æsthetic way of life
All along when I was pseudo-fancy, pseudo-æsthetic, I was doing the æsthetic fake, I can't say it's "wrong", because no one's way of life is wrong.
It's a matter of partial following of Kierkegaard without being religious about it.
Problems start when you're religious about things, so let's change back to the original subject.
The æsthetic life involves the reading and watching of Shakespeare, the listening to Mozart, and the smoking of a cigar.
Under the quilt I go disliking life, yet the poet didn't want to die, I'm as much a fool as that man who all he wanted was fine things, for I despise derelict men who give me no respect, and avenge myself upon them.
I gave up democratic purism, for I despise language other than my prestige.
As a prestige purist it's not about these everyday words that my dad recognises and knows the meanings of, it's about formalities and æsthetic language.
In conclusion I shall get myself a glass of wine and indulge in ultragourmet food, simply because I want to, because this way of life is doing superior things, since I pursue greatness in the sense of being grandiose and aristocratic, that should be much more complicated than the two words combined, I always wanted to be grandiose and do it right.