Shitting blood

Just ate something really spicy, felt nauseated, had to shit, went to the bathroom, a shit load of blood in the toilet. Is it normal? What could it be?

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 14 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • JustJazzin

    Physicians assistant here.. could be a number of things.. first of all, do you have any pain after pooping? You could have an internal hemorrhoid or a fissure which causes blood. Also, diarrhea comes in many colors.. not to sound gross, but I’ve seen patients with red, green, black and yellow diarrhea. It’s disgusting but normal. Was that spicy food red in color or orange? Like Buffalo or tobacco sauce? When your stomach can’t digest certain foods, it is passed through almost immediately… your body has no time to break it down, so basically what you eat (color included) may come out looking exactly the same. Gross but true. I had a patient the other day who had food poisoning from eating blue berries and drinking Gatorade. Well.. the Gatorade was okay.. but the blueberries were not washed and you can imagine the good times. Her poop came out looking like she killed the cast from the smurfs lol

    All jokes aside, if you continue having pain and think you’re seeing blood, don’t wait. The color of the “blood” would also be helpful. Let me know, I’ll give you my best advice. My guess is an internal hemorrhoids. Not all of them are visible or even felt. A lot of people think hemorrhoids and fissures are only caused my serious straining and constipation. Not always the case. Many come from a series of excessive bowels/diarrhea, wiping often and internal stress/strain

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    • I have had hemorrhoids in the past but no issues anymore. I have also had some bleeding in the past when I had hemorrhoids but not like this. This was also right after I ate like not even 20 minutes later and it seemed like quite a bit of blood (less than an ounce)

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      • JustJazzin

        If it has continued today, please go to a doctor or ER - Urgent care.. It may even be polyp(s) that caused the severe bleeding. Those can develop at any stage and sometimes when agitated cause severe visible bleeding

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    See a doctor.

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  • libertybell

    Why is this listed under 'art?'

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    • I just thought that it was art

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  • Somenormie

    Not very normal in the slightest. Like most have said go see a Dr.

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  • Grunewald

    All of the above.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It could be any number of things. Doctor time.

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