Non conformity disgusts me

I find it repulsive when I see adults dressing in attention seeking ways such as being goth/emo/alternative. It makes me think that they don’t have a job or any professional goals in life and I refuse to associate with these people.

Everyone should just dress smart casual and look professional rather than trying to show everyone how ‘unique’ and ‘quirky’ they are. It just looks ridiculous and like they are hanging on to their childhood because they have nothing else.

I find this is especially common with people who identify as ‘genderfluid’ or some other new and made up gender. I can’t help but feel intense anger and hatred towards these people.

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33% Normal
Based on 39 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 52 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Quirky, individualistic people most likely don't give two shits what you think, and most of them probably think people like you should fuck off.

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  • raisinbran

    We should all be wearing the same grey government issued clothing.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


      bit too flashy aint it?

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      • raisinbran

        true, it should be more of a greyish dust color

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    • BleedingPain

      Do I get to wear glasses, or should I wear contacts as to not outshine those who have 20/20 vision?

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      • Hansberger

        I think you should wear odd-shaped glasses, you'll certainly look like a nonconformist, try wearing pineapple sunglasses, you'll look like an individual who's uniquely Australian!

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        • BleedingPain

          Does wearing radical glasses automatically grant me Australian citizenship?

          I actually just picked up a pare of grandma glasses. I like to ride in style.

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          • Hansberger

            You get your citizenship by going to an immigration office or school learning about Australia, exactly like I would do naturalising in America. Why granny glasses? Why not bow down to your own good? I'm not asking you to take my nonconformity, I'm asking you to know you're doing good with your decisions.

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            • BleedingPain

              If I could post the pic here of the glasses I would. It was a choice between hexagonal grandma frames, and the black aunt cat eye frames. I really like to buck the system (as long as others think the frames complement my face shape).

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  • mouldiwarp

    They’re less of a sheep than you are.

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    • Hansberger

      Maybe he thinks you should follow the crowd and not inspire violence from other people.

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  • litelander8

    Mind your fucking business. Fucking square.

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  • Somenormie

    Everyone should be themselves.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Well get used to it sunshine, office jobs with dress codes are on the way out thanks to remote working. A lot more interesting and questionable fashion choices will be coming soon to a neighbourhood near you.

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  • Boojum

    I wore a military uniform for nearly a decade, and that left me determined to never wear any other sort of uniform. Ties are an absurd hang-over from the fashion of wearing a cravat in the 1600s set by the whim of Louis XIII, and the business suit is too hot in warm climates and not warm enough in cold climates.

    I've always been secure enough to never feel the need to wear clothing that makes me stand out from the crowd. In fact, I've always tried to blend in as much as I can because I'm 6'4" and usually naturally stand out.

    I do understand the 'Look at meeeee!" attitude of young people and their need to try to indicate that they're different from every generation that came before them. That's a phase most people go through. I also understand how some people get some comfort from wearing a uniform that identifies them as belonging to a particular sub-culture. Many people feel a need to believe that they're part of something larger than themselves.

    They - and you - are free to make those choices, and as long as they aren't trying to force me to wear what they consider 'normal' - as you are - then I really don't care what they wear.

    If seeing people wearing clothing that you consider odd does genuinely provoke you to rage, then maybe you'd be happier living in some totalitarian state where the correct clothing is set by decree. Does the official dress code of North Korea appeal to you?

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    • Hansberger

      Normal? You're the elite, the elite are special people in uniform, like a king dressed in fancy clothes and a crown (note that I'm the "king of Australia"). Your thoughts affect people having faith in you, they will form beliefs about you based on what you believe in about yourself.

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  • Tommythecaty

    It’s common, it’s intense jealousy of people who are far less fearful of standing out than yourself. You want to fit in and look conventional/plain because you fear judgment, you are just a bit weak that’s all.

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    • Boojum



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      • Tommythecaty


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    • Hansberger

      I think these normal people are not playing games with their lives, try being "nonconformist" or a rare bastard in public, you're some kind of freak and strangers don't like it!

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      • Tommythecaty

        You can do both and be neither, it’s really not difficult.

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      • Inkmaster

        Does anything you say make sense, or is it all word vomit?

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        • Hansberger

          Well it bloody well makes sense! So say thank you that I've done good!

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          • Inkmaster

            It does not make sense. You have done nothing deserving of thanks, and you have not done anything that is good.

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            • Hansberger

              If you follow a moral code with the belief that you're good, you're good, period. I have the right to have praise, I've done good, in fact I'm great and I'm the best, I'm a humanitarian, that means I'm good, just as if you're an agnostic, it means you're good. If you change the definition of good to suit yourself, you're a warmonger. I've done good. Good means "morally commendable, virtuous", it's that simple. I helped my mother out, I'm a vegan, therefore I'm good. So say thank you or I'll report you.

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    • leggs91200

      YES, yes!

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    • my_life_my_way

      Nah, I had a phase of trying to dress ‘unique’ when I was about 14 then I grew out of it. It doesn’t mean I fear judgement, it just means I don’t have to dress like an edgy child to feel good about myself.

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  • olderdude-xx

    People who conform never achieve greatness... Only the bold pursue new ideas and new activities...

    In addition, you have no idea why a person dresses a certain way on any day. They could well be dressed for a special event or for some acting part (even if its unpaid) - and certain private events or clubs may warrant unusual garb.

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    • Hansberger

      New? Try being original, and then you're new. It makes sense if you're a magical man making everyone happy instead of being a normal person, those subcultures are just typical!

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  • EnglishLad

    I agree with you on the genderfluidity thing, but feeling anger towards people who are goth/emo/alternative is just obnoxious.

    I've had more rational conversations with people who shop at Abercrombie and Fitch than I have had with people who are at pains to tell me that they go to church every Sunday.

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  • BleedingPain

    Hope you enjoy being another cog in the wheel.

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  • YE

    Everytime I had to dress formally.. necktie, shirt tucked in and stuff like that for formal events, I felt awful about myself the entire time and couldn't wait for the event end so I can 'liberate' myself from being such a phony.

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  • LloydAsher

    Let those edgy dregs of society be edgy dregs.

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  • jodi1955

    everyone has the right to dress as they desire, if you dont like it look away. as long as they are not breaking the law who are you to judge them.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    People should be free to dress however they like. I personally respect those who dress and look different because they have the balls to not care what anyone thinks. Conformists are jealous of noncomformists because they have neither the courage to be different nor the intellect to understand why normal is boring.

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  • SmokeEverything

    You seem like a fucking dork yo.

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  • Hansberger

    You want to kick their arse because they don't follow accepted norms, it's as simple as that, and yes such a reaction is normal, but you're not treating it like it's normal, and the subject is not a "normal" subject. You're talking about quirky and eccentric people, who bloody well look like criminals in a weird gang (I look like that, and whether I'm weird or not, I'm not weird or normal, I'm eccentric, I invented my own quirks but not to an extreme, I simply mixed nonconformity with originality, which is related to an eccentric inventing eccentricity by mixing not doing conformity with being original). But I'm not one of those pseudo-quirky people, I don't belong in a group, I'm what society calls a "freak", because a freak is not a group, he's one of a kind, and isn't really anything.

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  • magic7

    I live in casual CA. T-shirt cargo pants and Hawaii flip flops. We have very casual nude beaches and in almost naked at home which save on the wash!

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  • leggs91200

    How do you respond when such people are on their hands and knees begging for your approval though?

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    • Hansberger

      Wow, I approve of a punk who thinks his conformity to a minority group makes him an individual! He's not even rebellious, is he even rebelling against his group? If he goes too far and is more than the group stands for, they would think he's weird, now that would be nonconformity, and Jesus Christ fits in this minority.

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  • bbrown95

    I mean, I don't think everyone should look EXACTLY the same, but I don't care for a lot of those wild styles, either, though people can do what they want. One thing I will say for sure is that a lot of people who want to dress in ways that definitely attract a lot of attention tend to have a hard time understanding that regardless of how unfair it may be, society DOES judge a book by its cover. This is why it's harder for people like that to be taken seriously, get stared at and receive negative reactions, and they usually won't get hired in a professional setting over someone who has a more professional appearance. Sad, but true.

    While people should be free to dress how they want, they also need to realize that there may be consequences they don't like because of it. Yes, people shouldn't be judgmental, but they are and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I will never understand why people will try their hardest to get attention by making their appearance shocking and wild, yet complain about that attention. The only two things they can do is accept it or make their appearance stand out less. Is it unfair? Yes. Should it be this way? No, but it is, and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

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    • leggs91200

      As a transgender person and one of those who may attract attention I can say this -

      The last thought on our minds is "I wonder what strangers, whom are not doing me any favors anyways, will think about me?"

      For some people complaining that society may not accept them, I believe the real concern is about said strangers bothering them in the first place.

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      • bbrown95

        If they do not care, then that is great and they have nothing to worry about. My experience with people who like to stand out (and I'm not necessarily talking about transgenders, yet people who dress in very attention grabbing ways, such as brightly colored Mohawks, as many piercings as they can fit on their faces, face tattoos, etc.) is that they are always complaining about it not being fair that places don't want to hire them, that people stare, etc. Well, that is the unfortunate consequence of presenting yourself in that manner. I don't make the rules of life, I just go by them rather than denying them, because that does no good and there's nothing that can be done to change other people.

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        • Hansberger

          I studied conformity and these groups, like "hippie", "goth", "emo", "potheads", etc are not quirky and if you follow any of these groups you're not unique, and you're not non-conformist. Non-conformists don't do these or any popular things, they're weird people who are told, "you're not a hippie, you're a freak!", therefore freak is defined as markedly abnormal or unusual, and these groups want people to think they're freaks, freak implies you're so individual you're not even an individual, you're just yourself, one of a kind, and people told me "you're not a hippie, you're one of a kind, you're just unique" when what they really want to say is "you're just a weird, long hair freak on drugs!".

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          • SmokeEverything

            You're right, its so much better to spend your whole life trying to imitate leave it to beaver and watching your news programming!

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            • Hansberger

              Yeah! Well it's bloody well great when you're acting like an asshole!

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