Mgtow is the male equivalent of hardcore feminism

There are a lot of parallels between the MGTOW community and angry feminists. For example...

- Both claim to be happier and/or better off after having sworn off the other sex even though their main topic of conversation is bitching and raging about them

- Both usually try to make some ridiculous claim that they're just too damn irresistible, and a large part of the reason they adopted their new lifestyle is because of all the constant sexual harassment they were receiving daily

- Both fail to offer any kind of solutions for real societal problems, choosing instead to cherry pick and make gross exaggerations out of non-issues

- Both have an eternal victim complex that they try to disguise as wisdom or a virtue of some kind

- Both refuse to look at any situation outside the frame of how it affects them personally

- Both groups are incredibly self-unaware and make themselves look like complete idiots, usually when they try to go around imparting their sage-like "wisdom" to others who absolutely didn't ask for their input

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Comments ( 9 )
  • KholatKhult

    You can have some peace of mind that those types are so socially retarded they will likely never be out and about around you
    They’re too busy jacking off to podcasts all day and keeping up with Reddit lingo
    Wastes of space, vote em off the island

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  • up_my_ass_boiz

    they're shooters in the making.

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  • LloydAsher

    They deserve eachother

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  • bigbudchonga

    Agreed. Both are as bad as eachother.

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  • Wow3986

    You hate women and think that they should be catcalled, sexually assaulted, beaten, and killed? Is that correct.

    Wow I wouldn't be shocked if you were anti-abortion. Smdh people you need to do better.

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    • Wimmin sux

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      • Wow3986

        Wow you can't even say the word "woman". Really goes to show your misogyny.

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        • It really never gets old for you? I've never seen anyone so committed to an unfunny gimmick before in my life

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          • Wow3986

            I know who this is. Hey you misogynistic rapist.

            And your comment is offensive to people that have died of old age. Just goes to show you are discriminatory against dead people that died from old age. What's next? Your going to encourage BODY RAPE!?

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