Mexican neighbors

I have new neighbors (about 4 months) who may not be legal. They don't hardly speak English. They block my driveway with their cars! They have parties every weekend and play music loud until the wee hours of the morning. They let their kids run wild all over the block, screaming, in diapers and no shoes. The loud music even happens on weeknights. I have complained to them about blocking my driveway and the loud music. They still do it. They hang clothes out to dry all over the yard. They let people park their cars on the grass. I can't even determine how many people actually live there. It all bothers the hell out of me! I I am starting to develop a stereotype about Mexican nationals (not Mexican Americans). It seems they have no respect for their neighbors or the neighborhood. I am bothered by them, but don't want to feel this way about Mexicans from Mexico. I have seen better Mexican neighbors than this! Is it normal for me to be mad and feel this way?

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Comments ( 133 )
  • brosapien

    Here it is 3 in the morning and my drunk mexican neighbors are screaming at the top of their lungs singing their crappy music.

    Looks like the police might be making a visit tonight.

    I have found that most are incredibly inconsiderate and loud.

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    • IrritatedNeighbor

      They come to the country, they some how manage to become main stream then become arrogant like we should step aside for them. F- that!!

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      • hardtruth

        Pisses me off that my neighborhood has become like this. Started off as being a quiet neighborhood with considerate middle class people, now there are mexican parties every weekend, it annoys the hell out of me. Households with 10 cars, etc. etc. I need to sell my house to a mexican and leave.

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        • DisturbedPeace

          L.A. is the worst. Can't hear yourself think anywhere. Even if you go up to a mountaintop to get away from it, some idiot will bring a boombox. I hate these MFers

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          • LarryBud

            So true. Los Angeles is full of noise pollution, even in suburban-esque areas. Mexican neighbors aside, there are so many fart-cans (cars equipped with loud pipes) here. They roam the neighborhoods at night, creating unbearable noises and making it hard for people to sleep. And guess who are the owners of these cars? Mostly Mexicans.

            I hope to move out of LA to somewhere quiet and never look back

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  • MissMurder

    I lived next to Hispanics that eventually got raided and deported. I was sad for them at first. You would think they would be as QUIET as possible so they wouldn't get caught. And they did ALL of the same things you just listed.

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    • Morbius

      they are here, illegally. they are not undocumented workers, or anything else. just illegal aliens breaking the law. they should be deported.come here legally, and I welcome you to the U.S.,otherwise get the fuck out, all races from anywhere, but especially mexico.
      let Prof.Morbius educate you all on acceptable behaviour while in the states: #1. respect your neighbors.#2 no high pitched screaming kids running amuck outside before 6am and after 9pm. #3 most municipalities outlaw parking on unpaved areas, so keep your vehicles out of the backyard. #4 all municipalities have noise ordinances, so knock off the fiesta by 11pm at the latest and turn it down. #5 garbage belongs IN the garbage containers,unless you like to feed the rats which seem to follow where they live; observed truth not racism. #6 pizza boxes go IN the garbage containers. #7 when coming back home from the "club" IE; bar, with your babes, don't you dare disturb me in my house at 3am with that shit you listen to. turn it down. #8 teach your children that trash belongs IN the garbage, not on others' lawns. #9 adults, beer bottles are to be placed in the trash, not on the curbs. #10 i will tell your kids to knock off the screaming and the noise at an unreasonable hour and if you dont like it, you can kiss my ass. #11 apartment buildings are designed for N (that means a determined number) of people and not an "underground railway" to shuttle illegal aliens into MY country, where they may live for 4 to 12 weeks, "hot-bunking" in 3 of 8hr shifts, and then move on. #12 most of the homeowners here are mexican, and they are fine, usually, but we have the same problems as described above from a few. the problems come from rental units near me. go live like a disrespectful, selfish asshole, somewhere else.
      like back in dear old mexico.
      #13 4 cylinder engines with loud mufflers doesn't make it a hotrod. #14 neither do flame decals. #15 turn in the gangbanger element in your community, they are scum and cost us all money when they overdose or commit violence. tell me, do the subhuman gang bangers have health insurance? sorry kids, but obama health care will be overturned. #16 when in doubt of any these rules, refer to rule #1.#17 city alleyways are for the use of the residents, utilities, police and fire, and NOT to be used for your personal shortcut because you are too lazy or impatient to drive properly.
      #18 if you disagree with any of these fine American standards, then kiss my ass and get the fuck out of my country.

      I surely hope this was a help to you will help you live in peace with the people that really belong here, natural born, or those that worked hard to become real American citizens.
      let me say that the above was born out of observed behaviours, and education is sorely needed amongst this populace.
      i educate them at any chance to RESPECT YOUR NEIGHBORS.but unfortunately, i had to call the police tonight to educate the ignorant asshole see, no longer are thier cute kids going to yell and scream back and forth in front of my house, making all kinds of noise with plastic riding toys for 4 hrs straight, where my good friend across the street had to come out and tell them to knock it off...and they laughed at her. now THAT is the last straw!
      I will become parent, to the parents, whether they like it or not.we are going to get know the cops. and i will take their asses to court on a noise complaint if long as it takes. i will not back down. they will comply, with rule #1.
      its the American way. and if any disagree with me, you are not a real American, you can kiss my ass.I'm right and you know it. dont bleed you hearts on me.

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      • DanielBoone

        Well said! I get tired of the loud bass music they play in their cars with the 24 inch rims that you can hear six blocks away!

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        • DisturbedPeace

          Yes, this!! I have developed severe misophonia from the constant low-frequency bass thumps. It's like Chinese water torture!

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          • hardtruth

            I'm the same and in fact I'm listening to some now but don't know where it is coming from, so it would be no use to call the Police. I'm sick of this. I so need to move.

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      • 3rdWorldLA

        holy cripes! it IS happening everywhere, my family house is in South Central LA. Since the mid 90s illegals hv flooded in at an accelerated rate. My neighborhood is now 80% Latino, many confirmed illegals. They seem to be 'metastasizing'South LA like they did East LA in the 70s. 'These 'new' illegals openly show their disdain for Americans and I hate it. After growing up with excellent Mexican families in my community, I now have hostile Mexican households on both sides of me, the shenanigans have ensued. They've done all you described & MORE. They called the police on me and lied, telling the police I had done something violent when I had not, luckily I am well versed in speaking professionally and handled law enforcement with decorum. They have no Christian upbringing like us, we obey the law under God, they are lawless and 'stick together' even when wrong, this is communist behavior. O_o I keep my yard clean, obey the law and respect people the way I learned from my Grandparents while these people act like I'm stupid for doing so. I am trying to stand for correctness but they just mount senseless arguments. We don't speak anymore, a condition i avoided for years, now the street kids (gangsters) give me dirty looks. Things get stolen from my yard. The neighborhood no longer functions as a community, not inclusive to the 'indigenous' Blacks, at least. They only interact with each other, and they out number everybody. My part of God's promised land is being 'racially cleansed' by invaders from a largely Pagan country, AND NO SEEMS TO CARE! I fear they will soon be the cause of my demise one way or another. I pray Trump will make a difference. We need to be the Great America of old, we need to be in God's favor again, or we wont survive WW3. I hope this gets to someone, my neighbors are evil and I'm not a coward. I will go down fighting in His holy name if I have to, but someone HAS to know the truth. I'm not some angry Black idiot, I am the one that didn't sin like the rest. No Thugged-out, Baby's Daddy, Hip-Hop Bonehead here, and I grew up here next door to where the World Renowned Crips Gang started! If I can choose a morally correct life, ANYONE CAN!!! O_o ...choose morality!

        P.S. pray for my deliverance please...

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      • jameswarren1133

        i have the same problem going on..Fucking illegals have been here for 10+ years!! let their kids play in the snow in pjs with no shoes for hours..parties all night. they are illegal and i need a way to get rid of them!! they dont even speak 2 words of english. i am so sick of dealing with these mother fuckers...

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        • idontcareforthem

          I have the exact same thing going on, thats why i need to move out asap....i cant believe they're even happy with throwing their trash in yards and everywhere except the garbage can...its sickening almost. I'm sick of 5' tall Arturo and his six little illegals jose, juan, manuel, felix, pedro, maria, with their shitty sounding music...almost everyone on the block has these dogs that bark at everyone, and it seems like the only english word they know is, "sorry." SMH.....

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          • DanielBoone

            Sorry? They don't say that! They just give you a blank stare.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        How do you know they are illegal? If you know for a fact they are and have evidence call in border control to deport them back to mexico. Along with this I would say complain to the cops they are disturbing the peace. Just for the record not all hispanics act this way or should. You have very rude naibors and I would be bothered as well.

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        • brosapien

          I'm the only white person on my block and have been for many years now and yes they are all extremely loud all the time.

          I used to call the police, they'd get raided and have what we call a midnight move out, only to be replaced be even more loud mexicans.

          I can't wait till I move somewhere with American or Canadian neighbors again!

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          • DanielBoone

            Good luck! If you do find somewhere like that, let me know! It's getting harder and harder to find an area without minorities in any city, unless you have a lot of $$$$$$$$

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      • eljreid

        if you're so damn pro America, why are you spelling your words in the British fashion?behavior does not have a "U" in it... Dumbass.

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        • avanori03


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      • desteny1821

        u r messed up

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        • avanori03


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      • Mentor

        Your wrong pizza boxes belong in the recycling container thats the blue one if you lazy ass americans recycle then you would know that instead of throwing everything in the garbage container and idk what your talking about the rats because ive only seen americans having rats never mexicans because most of them are really clean and thats what mexican moms do all day is clean unlike you americans who just stay home laying in your own filth watching hockey all day it disgust me that whites think they're the superior race when they dont do shit at all.

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        • idontcareforthem

          pizza boxes are not meant to be recycled after use. who wants to recycle dirty cheese and grease? only dirty rats and cucharachas

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        • set4life

          Hockey? Sounds... Canadian. But Canada is in fact a part of North America so I suppose we could consider Canadians as Americans as well. Interesting thought you just provoked in me..

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        • avanori03

          We are superior asswipe... YOU'RE IN OUR COUNTRY. I could see if we were in Mexico messing with you Chihuahua eating fools.

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        • LibertyNcognito


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        • ksb83

          Watching hockey all day? ! Wtf. And pizza boxes aren't supposed to be recycled because of the grease obsorbed by the cardboard.

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      • Lithium1

        Nailed it! I agree!

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    • PingPong77

      I lived in a Mexican neighborhood in LA for a while. I eventually couldn't take the daily routine of loud music blasting from 7am - midnight. I grew up in poor neighborhoods but I had never experienced such inconsiderate neighbors. I thought I was alone in experiencing this, and I'm actually surprised that this situation is actually prevalent throughout LA. Here are some other things that would irritate me to no end: Mexicans also let their dogs roam the streets without leashes and collars. They defecate all over the place and their owners never pick up after their pets. I too have also noticed kids running wild, with no supervison. It is also very common to go through neighborhoods and see trash piled high all over the front yard for no reason other than they want to start a junk yard. They throw trash and litter on other people's property. My next door neighbors would get drunk and party with their wild little kids running around all night long!!! There was about 15 people living in a tiny 1,000 sq foot house. I'm fairly certain that the adults were all illegal but because some of the adults had American born kids, they all received benefits. Our tax dollars at work.

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    • ksb83

      I know this is an old post, but I'm having the exact problem. I've never in my life had any animosity towards mexicans. ......until my neighbors of one year now moved in. They have at least 8 dogs that bark at me non stop and dig under the fence and into my garden, they throw trash everywhere except the garbage cans, play loud music all day long from their very expensive cars with huge rims. It's a 2 bdrm house with at least 6 people living there and the kids smoke pot in broad daylight . They never pick up their dog shit, they have covered the ENTIRE YARD in carpet remnants. They have people stay at their house that actually sleep in cars and go to the bathroom outside and throw used toilet paper over the fence. Lmfao. I hate being at my own house because of them. They ate always home. Fml

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    • RUKiddingMee

      I have a question. I'm "in the same boat" as everyone here.. But I have a neighbor that sits in his truck running, music blasting ALL NIGHT LONG!! Mostly on the weekends. He lives INSIDE the house.. I really don't think he's using drugs bc you can tell who does and who doesn't around here. But what the eff is he doing in there for hours on end? I know he's drunk, but why not go inside and blast your music while drinking? Because it's easier to chunk your empty bottles out a car window instead of your front door? He misses his trash can anyways.. If he's drunk enough to leave bottles and evidence of his all night binges on his way back inside when he's FINALLY DONE then surely he'd drop something that would be drug related in his drunken stupor? It's crazy! If it's not drugs then WHAT THE HECK IS IT???!! Does anybody have any ideas?

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      • avanori03

        My neighbor was doing the same shit...But he told me he was using cocaine in so many words. I told them I was calling the police and did. No mysteries here. The problem has been amended.

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    • TexasKid

      They never learn, do they?

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    • AntoniusBlock

      Mexicans are freaking awesome... but I've definitely found myself mid-culture-clash with my new neighbors--after a f---ing all-evening, and all-night (and all-MORNING) fiesta last night (and up to like 9:30 AM today) I found myself wondering the same thing: they've told me they "walked" here (which, incidentally, is just fine by me--I care more about human beings generally than just "Americans")--but I also know they HAD to get a few noise complaints in to the police last night--Dios Mio, guys--LAY THE F--- LOW, till you get legal!

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  • BoredGuy

    call the cops

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    • Avadoren

      I am only replying to the original post, I have the same problem except it's white people go figure. Today one of thier kids was running down the street dirty diaper dragging no shoes on. I am mixed my family is white and sorry we cloth our kids and they wear shoes. The Spanish speaking people that lived here before them didn't do any of that they also had kid parties worked and I would trade these white trash neighbors for them any day. I don't think it's a white or Hispanic thing it's a being a responsible parent. I don't look down on them or didn't until they started giving me dirty looks for my kids being dressed and clean. Arse backwards!

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      • Avadoren

        Oh btw lived here 8 years the Hispanic people lived in the apartments before us. They moved suddenly 2 years ago I think because they were being discriminated against. Get this never in over 5 years did the cops stop by there then the new 'white' people moved in the cops are there sometimes at least twice a week. Sometimes I eat popcorn on the porch like I'm watching jerry springer had to spray their dog cause he keeps coming in our yard barking at us my mom couldn't get out of the car the one time I called was just about the dog & animal control knew who I was taking about. Not a snitch but man I can't wait to move.

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  • CALatingirl

    Yes its absolutely normal to dislike the manner in which these hispanic Nationals live. I am a mexican, albeit born in California and I am also starting to feel disgusted by how disrespectful latinos born outside of U.S. are. I have never disliked any Latin race. I have actually been proud of my culture, and loved lots of aspects about my culture. Unfortunately, I am starting to see a great deal of distasteful things happening to the latino population occurring in California. I don't know if this is just a border state problem, but hispanic nationals coming into this country recently seem to be have this anger towards hispanic americans, a chip on their shoulder, and also feel entitled to many american born privileges. Previously, I could sympathize with the struggle of my latino counterparts when i was not formally educated and solely based my reasonings on emotions. However, I no longer feel the same any longer and am actually in opposition of immigration reform now. I understand that things are difficult in other countries, but nothing will be fixed in those countries if they allow everyone to run away, and not remain their to contribute to improving their countries conditions. Additionally, these hispanic nationals have adopted what I like to describe as the "gang member mentality" which has certainly resulted because of deportation of young latinos who have been involved in gangs in the U.S. and taken these ideologies (i.e. it's all about me) back to their Countries where the beliefs have been spread like wildfire. Your description of what is happening in your neighborhood is exactly what is happening in my neighborhood. These people are disrespectful, loud, party all weekend, have unknown people coming and going all the time, take up all the parking, leave their dirty diapers and trash in the streets,ect. Count yourself fortunate that your latino nationals have not turned their criminal activities and on you. My neighbor's vandalize my vehicle constantly and get away with it because I don't have proof (i.e. video recordings). It pisses me off that they probably will get their immigration papers without any trouble just because they have never been caught for their illegal activity. I wish Obama, and other government officials would come and walk a day in my shoes and Im sure they would change their lenient political views on immigration reform. Im pissed off at the fact that I am a U.S. citizen and have to deal with this bullshit!!!!

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    • IrritatedNeighbor

      wow, think we are on the same page girl. Even though I am not of Latino descent, I totally agree with you. They come over here with there hands open. Then they come over here and trash our neighborhoods, disrupt with noise. Sit in the car freakin car and honk the horn all the time cause there to lazy to goto the door. They come over here with a arrogant attitude once the get main stream some how and Obama keeps letting them over. The ones here in CA, are really rude and annoying

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      • DanielBoone


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    • Sarina1014

      CALatingirl, I am in Texas and I have new Hispanic neighbors which are loud, rude and disrespectful. I honestly can't stand these people and I don't even know them. I have asked myself if I would feel differently if they were any other race but Hispanic and the answer is "No", I wouldn't". I don't like feeling this way about ANYBODY. I believe people have the right (if they are legally in a country) to live anywhere they choose, however, I don't think anyone has the right to bring what was once a nice neighborhood, down.

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    • Lithium1

      I agree!

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  • common-sense

    "They don't hardly speak English"
    Now I'm not sure if the original post speaks English either.

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  • jennas

    The people at the end of my block do ALL of this. They are the reason I hate spanish people, anyone that thinks this is extreme needs to live in florida for a few years.

    They play spanish music blared so loud it's heard in my house with the doors and windows shut. And they play it about 8 hrs a day, 3-5 days a week. Sometimes I go out there and open all my car windows and doors and leave it on as loud as possible when they're being the worst. You think they change because the neighbors are pissed? Heck no. They turn it up.

    When I call the cops for noise complaints they LIE to the cops. "She cussed at our son!" Are you kidding me?!
    Go back home. No class, no respect, no common sense. Stop living off our money. I see them out lounging about in the middle of the weekdays (I do freelance work at night).

    "They block my driveway with their cars!"

    "They have parties every weekend and play music loud until the wee hours of the morning."

    "They let their kids run wild all over the block, screaming, in diapers and no shoes."

    "They hang clothes out to dry all over the yard. They let people park their cars on the grass."

    "I can't even determine how many people actually live there."
    check... they inhabit two small complexes and two duplexes and all party together in the middle of the road while sitting in plastic chairs.

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    • casasruby

      You hate "Spanish" people? Then don't go to Spain. People from Spain can be annoying with their accents and all. All kidding aside, I think you mean LATINO or HISPANIC people in the USA. Spain is all the way on the other side of the world across a great ocean. LOL, you must be from the east coast. "New Yawk"?

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      • avanori03


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  • ferch

    I'm Mexican and I have Mexican neighbors that do exactly as you say. I am horribly irritated as well.

    My best guess as to why they do it and don't care, is their lack of education.

    I remember when I was about 11 years old, I used to see some of this and it didn't even bother me at all, my brain was still developing.

    These people I think most of them didn't even finish elementary school (I'm being serious).

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    • CALatingirl

      I would like to agree with you, but my parents are from mexico and did not have much of a formal education, yet they don't behave like a lot of my hispanic crazy neighbors. I think it is not so much a lack of education, but a lack of values and morals instilled in them by their parents. If the cycle could be broken, what a wonderful place this could be.

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  • HurrrDurrr

    So strange me and my family moved into this house about 4 months ago after we came from Mexico. We park our cars all over the yard and play loud music until early in the morning. I see our neighbor looking angry and dejected all the time, and he's always bitching about something.

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    • antibeaner


      Leave me be because I just got my welfare check and I'm going to party.

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    • avanori03


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    • ksb83


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  • la_uva_mojada

    It's the people themselves, not their race. They don't do all those annoying things because of where they're from, but because of who they are as individuals.

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    • Lithium1

      Think about the country where they came from. Especially if they ran away from their country because they couldn't make a living over there and because they don't want to fight for their so called querido Mexico. Most are not very educated. Most work hard and end up having lot's of kids because, well what else are they going to do? It's not like in Mexico ( the one's that came to this country) acquired any other hobbies other than hustling. And again these are obviously the one's that left their so called querido Mexico. They are hard worker's and at the end of the week they just want an excuse to get away from the daily boring routine and so they make every excuse to throw a party. But when they throw the parties they feel it's okay because it's their home and they work hard, therefore they feel entitled to do whatever the fuck they want to do. And they are not considered of their neighbors because they are just repeating what they learned from the country they used to live in. So with that said, noise is not something they are worry about. They blast their music and if the home has three bedrooms then there's several families living in each bedroom. And their front yard becomes a parking lot too. They are use to trashy streets and stray dogs running around. They wave the Mexican flag around and take pride in their country that only offered them shit. Some are stubborn and feel entitled therefore if they need government assistance for life they take it and then they realized how easy it is so they keep taking the assistance for life (instead of using it temporary until they figure out another way to make money) they suck all tax payers dry!. Again this is MOST not all. We have trash in every race. But since Mexicans have become the majority then they stand out! They keep having kids because they obviously don't know shit about economics. If they did know more about economics then they would be smart enough to shut the fuck up and keep their home in order so that their home value and the whole neighborhood value wouldn't decrease! Ghetto mentality that never ends and spreads like a disease due to ignorance. Press 1 for English and 2 for Spanish. Go fuck yourself we're in America.

      By the way I'm only speaking from experience since I'm from that same ethnic background. First generation here....but my father really wanted to be American he wanted to be treated with respect and so he learn english and got an education so he can contribute to America instead of sucking America completely dry.

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      • avanori03


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      • LibertyNcognito

        WTF is wrong with you?

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  • tarry4

    I moved into East Hollywood last year and am having the same problem. East Hollywood, is 70% latino. FYI, I am half Mexican. My mother, a first generation Mexican, was so ashamed of these kinds of people. I agree that its the Mexican Nationals who are the problem. My neighbors do the same thing, and in addition to the loud music, leave whole chicken carcasses and bones, and beer cans strewn up and down the street after their parties. When they get rid of furniture, they simply move it to the sidewalk and leave it there. They are pigs. I end up calling the sanitation department to pick their trash up. They have no respect for their neighbors. I have never seen anything like it. The complete disrespect and total disregard for anyone else -- its shocking. I can't wait to get out out East Hollywood and believe me, I will check out the geographics of my next neighborhood.

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  • Sarina1014

    Hmm, whites don't do shit you say? Geez, I bet we don't enter other countries ILLEGALLY and don't give me some shit about white stealing America. I am talking about 2016, not 1516. Isn't is interesting that you say Hispanics are willing to work hard but they are too effing lazy to pick up a pencil and apply for LEGAL U.S. entry. Now who's the lazy bones?

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    • avanori03


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  • IrritatedNeighbor

    I was never irritated by latino people until a latino family moved in. It is a on going bullshit everyday with this family. They have 9 cars, who needs 9 cars. Three are broke down. Then they like sit outside in there car and honk the horn because there to lazy to go up to the door and knock. They leave parked cars on the lawn for months, like that makes neighbor hood look good!

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  • Alianita

    It's ridiculous to base your judgement of whole nation on some neighbours (If they exist for real).
    I am a Mexican who is very educated. I live in UK and people here have never complained about me...

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    • DanielBoone

      That's because you're an educated Mexican, not a high-school dropout gang-banger. These people are the ones that usually cause the most trouble in our neighborhoods.

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  • Videotape a party from your window or something and put it on YouTube! LMAO

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  • pollita82

    Well i understand that u would get mad for them disturbing u. That is completely normal. I too would be very angry. But i also happen to have annoying neighbors who spend their time drinking and playing loud music. They tend to throw trash on my lawn but they r not mexican from mexico as u call them. They r a bunch of white rednecks who let their kids smoke and dress like trash. My point is that bad neighbors come in different ethnicities. Im racist! But only to annoying neighbors. I could care less wat color or race they r. It is not normal at all to stereotype mexicans Or any other race.

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    • ksb83

      Exactly right. Bad neighbors are bad neighbors. But I've only experienced Hispanic individuals being bad neighbors.

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    • avanori03

      The title is MEXICAN NEIGHBORS...Your comment should be left on a REDNECK NEIGHBOR discussion.IJS.

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      • hardtruth

        I'm sure that could fit the bill too, but the southwest U.S. is being flooded by Mexicans and many live the way that is being described. It's annoying and pathetic. Many once quiet, nice neighborhoods are now loud and not so nice thanks to the flood of mexicans with this inconsiderate mentality.

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  • NickNick

    call the police

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  • Howbizarre

    I called last night twice!
    2:45 am engine's revving out side my bedroom window. I go out to investigate and of course the neighbors across the street AGAIN LIKE CLOCKWORK have their shitty music blasting. Cars parked up and down the street and even the audacity to park DIRECTLY BEHIND OUR CARS. In our private parking for our triplex. Bull shit. I went back in after waiting for sheriff to show up. Laid down seemed lile it got quieter. I fell asleep... BOOOM FUCKING LOUD MUSIC FROM EVERY SINGLE CAR. one after another. Screaming in the street. I called non emergency again. This time VERY FUCKONG PISSED. The officer is trying to tell me to call down "well im not understanding you you confronted them and now there is a confrontation"?? Got loud with dispatch. "ITS 345 IN THE MORNING WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THIS IS THE SECOND TIME IVE CALLED IN AN HOUR.""BTW you have people leaving intoxicated with beer in their hands where are your sheriff's at? I dot DUI s for days here!"
    "Call back if anything changes were dispatching an officer."

    Wait 4 minutes... A cute female cop shows up probably about 5'4". As soon as she pulls up two men approach her keeping her slightly barricaded in her door way of the car.
    "Were done everyones leaving."
    She started saying something then i heard.
    "No one works on sunday its not a big deal".
    Im standing 10 feet away wrapped in a frozen blanket i say
    "Actually i fucking work sunday and so does the rest of the world."
    Then one guy we've had trouble with before tries with his stupid lame excuses "we had a birthday today" last time someone died they partied for a week straight. We let them have it considering. But now i see this is an excuse factory. The dude then gets loud abd starts telling me to "mind my business"
    "Mother fucker im attending a party i wasn't invited top in MY OWN HOME I DONT GIVE A FUXK ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY OR WHAT THE FUCK EVER EXCUSE YOU HAVE."
    the cop tells him go inside. He refuses and takes a step to the cop cocks back his arm and three mezican bitches run out and start pulling him inside. All the whole hes shouting in spanish or cuban idk. All i heard was "china la chinga" and I repreated it back with a "i dont fucking care" attached.
    Told the cop this is ridiculous theu direspect every one every weekend. Theu park qhere ever they want theu dont bother asking the neighbors if its ok theu blair music till 5 am or ask if they can ket guests park. My biggest thing is communication. Ve respectful and you get it back. These stupid nother fucker though. Now the second time this dude has physically tried to hit a cop and they have done nothing. I think hes illegal and they dont wanna deal eith ICE job.

    Glad to see this is common and every one hates it.

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    • hardtruth

      I know what you're going through. My neighborhood has become a different place now than it was 20 years ago, was a quiet place. Now loud Mexican parties every weekend all over the neighborhood. We have a house on the street that was turned into a duplex, they already had a guest house, they also built about 5 wooden sheds that they were renting out. At one point they had about 15-20 cars parked there regularly until I contacted Code Enforcement, then the majority of that problem went away. It seems to be the newer Mexicans causing the problems. I'm in southern CA, this place is getting overrun.
      I'm at my wits end, I think I will be getting the house ready to sell and move to a different area or state and hope that the same doesn't happen there or maybe I'll buy some acreage.

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  • ferch1089

    You have just described my neighbors. I can't believe people are like this.

    I'm Mexican too, and I come from a small town, in the middle of nowhere, like most of them, but I'm not like this!

    They have no respect whatsoever. They are a bunch of jerks.

    Mothers don't ever say anything to their little brats and let them run loose.

    These are the kind of kids that are run over, or end up in jail as adults, or dead. In fact it seems that this is a recurrent history of them having a dead child from something horrible, and then they cry a lot, but they don't cry to educate.

    I mean its plain ignorance, but even that, trust me, they're not as arrogant and entitled back in Mexico as they are here in the US.

    Gov't needs to stop giving them free money and let them work otherwise they create a bunch of jerks.

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  • Lolwtfdafuq

    I have Mexican neighbors (yes, I can differentiate between other Latinos.) They have loud parties with their horrendous, monotonous music until way too late in the evening. Their children are screaming outside and I can hear them inside my house at almost midnight! Children need to SLEEP. I call the cops on them when I can't take it anymore. Other Mexican neighbors have dozens of crappy vehicles littering their property and shout often and scavenge trash for a "living."

    I know these are low-class indigenous, short type of Mexicans and not all Mexicans blast shitty music, neglect their kids, be inconsiderate and behave like the Mexican version of trailer trash.

    By contrast, the Asians in my neighborhood hardly make a peep and are polite and considerate. The white Americans mostly are good neighbors; any black people are regular folk and don't annoy others. It's almost always the f-ng Mestizos. If they want to maintain their trashy culture then move back the crap hole they came from. They're so rude.

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  • JoVee

    Is this normal? Your reaction is. Whether or not 'they' are normal is relative. From your perspective they are abnormal, from theirs they are normal just enjoying some music drinking and relaxing after a day's work. It's a culture clash. Whether or not they're illegal is irrelevant--we have our liberal politicians to thank for that, but that's another issue. I liken it to a college educated professional who keeps a well manicured lawn living next to an uneducated high school dropout who only mows his lawn when cited. You get the picture.

    If they, in their own eyes, are doing nothing wrong, how can you convince them otherwise? You can't. You cannot undo years of unbridled upbringing. You can't educate someone who doesn't want to be educated. A fully mature crooked tree cannot be straitened. You either live with it, cut it down, or move. Sad but true.

    I feel compelled to opine in that I have some experience with this. Living in the rural county where our houses are in close proximity is even more so difficult, being that there are no noise ordinances. You cannot reason with them, the police are of no use, friendliness doesn't work, and getting angry just fuels their contempt. Anything you do makes you the villain. Moving is an expensive alternative. I'm Impartial not because I'm of Mexican heritage in part, but because intellect and civility demands it. I must try to seek a solution through objectivity. This is not a matter of genetic loyalty, but simple courtesy. That said, I have yet to find a solution. You can put a suit and tie on a pig, but it's still a pig. I have considered a siren or a horn. I too am at my wits end.

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    • Sarina1014

      JoVee, while I applaud your attempt to be civil to these neanderthals, why the eff do they want to live among mostly civilized quiet loving whites? Why don't they seek out a run down barrio so they can blast their music amongst their own people and feel at home? If I charged into the barrio and demanded that residents turn down their music and pick up their trash, I would be run out of the hood if not murdered so why do these people think they have a right to ruin something that was once quiet and peaceful until they moved in?

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  • Redshoescow

    I've been dealt the same problem, since this Mexicans family(of 10 or so) moved in. for the last 3 years, they partying not only on weekends(they invited lots of Mexicans friends over), cookout and drinking beer, from 10am to 130am, also weekday evenings too. they like making noise, talking loudly, playing loudly music. honking in their cars everyday.. their kids always screaming, playing on streets, playing basketballs).. I complaint about their kids twice, I called the police about their loud music once, nothing really changed much.. their kids did stop playing basketballs, but still screaming loud on the streets. they did turned down music volume, but not very much, still loud b/c I can hear it in my own house. again they still talk loudly.. they used to do all the noise in their backyard and their driveway, now they doing it on their driveway mostly. and their way, which their driveway right next to my house, which by my driveway, by my livingroom.. I hear them all the time and everyday... basicly they like making loud noise, never respect their neighbors, they never like being quiet..
    --I don't really know else what to do or say?! I really need help-- like I said, I complaint before, and even called a police, it didn't help. and yes, they got angry.. It seems that only one option for me is to move away, but I've been living in this house for 16 years now. I never had this kind of problem all my life, and I live in U.S. for 36 years.
    --I'm thinking about put up my big speakers out my windows facing their driveway, and blast the music every time they partying. but I'm not sure if that a good idea..
    -Well, I wanna say thank you if someone replies to my post.
    -Have a wonderful day... BTW, I live by myself, divorced, my kids are grown and moved out on their own, have their own families.

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    • 3rdWorldLA

      oh no, I'm dealing with two hostile households on either side of my family house. I know firsthand what your dealing with. Please contact me, I will help anyway I can.

      Godspeed & take care...

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    • avanori03


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  • Exist

    The fact of the matter is that the illegal immigration problem in the U.S.A started in the late nineteenth century.

    So yes, informed and concerned American Citizens are aware of the many problems that come along with illegal immigrants living in the U.S.A (e.g., illegality, sovereignty, overpopulation, fiscal costs); most importantly so does the U.S. GOVERNMENT.

    So ask yourself, why is it that the U.S Government has YET to do something EFFECTIVE about the illegal immigrant problem?

    Illegal immigration is not a simple us vs. them problem. The violence on the Mexican border is fueled, in large part, by American guns and American demand for drugs. The supply of jobs for undocumented workers is sustained, in large part, by the economic system we all play a part in. Substandard wages for migrant workers, chambermaids and dishwashers contribute to low prices at supermarkets, hotels and restaurants. Unfair trade agreements with developing nations contribute to the poverty that makes people desperate enough to come here illegally.

    We (that includes the U.S Government) must address all of these issues, while also expediting legal immigration, tightening border security and figuring out how to treat the millions of illegal immigrants who are already here.

    Concerning the OP:

    Have them deported...see what good that does.
    That is as much as you can do about it.
    4 out of 6 illegal immigrants are Mexican.

    We have approximately 22.0 million** Illegal Immigrants living in the U.S.A

    More and more move in each day.

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  • perlamaria

    Well i usually dont agree with white people because of theyre racist mentality but i agree with that i live in puerto rico and culturally is aceptable to put their car base very loud in the mornings at 6 am and it just irritate me to no end i have called the police.several times f.or loud music police dont do anything we as puerto ricans should start teaching our kids what is to be considerate towards their neighboors but not every puerto rican is like that.I think the problem is thar is more aceptable to act that way.and i think that mexicans are cool people but they dony know how to be considerate towards others? Maybe is cultural too but if you let them know and they keep doing it call the police ar least you white people can move anywhere without having to deal with racism we cant we have ti choose a neighboor that is not full of bigoted people

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    • CALatingirl

      Dont believe the lies that other races are not accepting of you. Move to somewhere where you have lovely neighbors. I moved away to a white area for a while and loved it. The people were genuinely nice in the community. Of course there are bad people everywhere, but in general states with large white populations are much nicer, crime is lower, and if you have a problem with a neighbor they actually get involved.

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      • avanori03


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    • casasruby

      I married a Puerot Rican from the Island. My spouse is educated, well mannered and NEVER plays music at 6am in the morning. Not all Mexicans are ill mannered and low class, AND not all puerto ricans are inconsiderate. It depends on the individual, regardless of race or ethnicity.

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      • avanori03


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  • elephants98

    I am sadly Mexican and I don't enjoy it. Not because I don't like where I come from, but it's just because of how people look at us. I am not illegal and people just judge, but sadly, you can't do anything about it. I agree with you that they are very annoying when they play their music and drink, but I guess it's who they are. It is normal for them, but just make sure to lock up after you close a door... just in case.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      Mexican girls are hot :-)

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      • Getthehellout

        Typical liberal, thinking with his d!ck.

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      • avanori03

        ...You mean the wHOresT.

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  • new_mexican_neighbors

    Rude neighbors are a pain no matter where they are from. You cannot teach people manners, but you can call the police.

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  • islandprincess11

    I'm having second thoughts about Mexicans too!!! Mexican people have staring problems 24/7!! The mother don't care about the fuckin kids she only drinks & smokes while the kids DONT DO shit in there lives! They don't go to school or work!! It makes me soooo angry and they play loud music everyday and it's ILLEGAL at certain times gosh darn it! Go get a life!!!

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    • Mentor

      Wtf are you talking about mexicans are over protective with their kids and mexican moms rarely smoke or drink. If you ask a mexican they'll say the same that americans dont take care of their kids and all they do is complain and smoke cigs and i think its true

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      • CALatingirl

        What the heck your kidding!!! Come to my neighborhood and you will see the total opposite than what you are describing. You are thinking of the old school hispanic national mothers from the 1940's. The hispanic women that are in there 20's-50's are a totally different breed of women. All my hispanic women neighbors who are in there later 40-50's are heavy drinkers, party all weekend, cuss up a storm, and act just as rude and obnoxious as drunken overbearing men.

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      • casasruby

        My mother was overprotective of me growing up, taught me to be well mannered, educated and fair. She did not get drunk, sleep around or act like trash. I have been married ONCE and my children are from the same father. Not all Mexicans are low class.

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        • avanori03


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  • b-bell

    I'd annoy them back twice as bad and steal their tacos!!!!

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    • Mentor

      You wouldnt lol you dont have to steal it they'll offer you some because they are stingy with their food

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  • muffindawn

    Mexicans are noise disturbances who trespass in your yard

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  • whitelightning

    In another 50 years the whole South West will be over run with Mexicans and will simply become Mexico again. Without Whites to maintain and develop technology the whole region will become a cesspool and eventually return to a desert. You Mexicans want the White man gone your wish will be granted. Most of the North East and South will be lost to the Blacks and other rif raf while Whiles will segregate themselves to the cold Northern states and the Pacific Northwest. Whites are the most technological advanced people on earth. Always were always will be. Therefore we will prosper while you destructive races will reap what you sow.

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  • IrritatedNeighbor

    At this time I am finding out how to get the city make a nuisance neighbor move, even annoying mexicans!!I heard a story on the new's about Nuisance Neighbors that took place in Oakland,ca!!
    The neighbor was disruptive, loud, had drugs and guns in there house. So the neighbor's got fed up and made complaints about the bad neighbor. They city states, if there gets to be so many complaints about them, the city steps in and forces the bad neighbor to move within certain amount of time!

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  • TexasKid

    No, it is not normal. We have to realize that most of the people that come to the U.S.A., are the very, very, poor peon types.Sadly, many of them even lack even a basic cultural education as well as "any real education." so what do you expect? On the other hand, the "real Mexican people," or middle class Mexican people, are educated and totally different, they are cool, smart and nice with good manners, and you hardly don't see them here looking for work, because they don't need it! So whenever you see these "rude country bumpkin types," please remember that they are not representative of the Mexican people at all!

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    • IrritatedNeighbor

      Strongly disagree
      Lots of them are so inconsiderate to people living next to them..
      Latin people think they are entitled to more. More then half of them have not been in the state long or paid any taxes not that long and then they get this arrogant attitude..bad as black people with a chip on there shoulders towards other races

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      • DanielBoone


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    • Sarina1014

      I don't give a rat's ass whether they are rural bumpkins or the educated elite. If they aren't here legally they need to go the eff back where they came from. I am not a Trump supporter but I am tired of this shit.

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      • avanori03

        I AGREE 100%

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  • bigtoy

    If they're illegal you can do whatever the fuck you like because they don't have any rights anyway. Search the net for bomb making instructions and get your own back in style. See if they like the noise of their house being blown to shit! lol

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    • zardac

      Setting aside inherent universal human rights, they also are entitled to the same rights under the constitution that you enjoy.

      The US Supreme Court has consistently reinforced this in rulings over the last 100 plus years.

      This (of course) only applies to the United States.

      You're possibly a citizen of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or the UAE, then the views you espouse are culturally appropriate.

      Our Country's Judeo-Christian heritage must feel pretty limiting for people of your ilk.

      "Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt."
      (Exodus 22:21)

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    • Mentor

      They dont need rights lol nor do they care about having em they just want jobs that lazy ass americans are to lazy to do

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  • fkytheduck

    You should hang out with them occasionally. Sounds like fun!!

    But yeah, annoying as fuck I'd imagine.

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  • ctbpdx

    Perfectly normal. If they've been doing it for a while, call the cops on them for disturbance of the peace and wait for them to be deported. Oooohhhh, the parking thing would make me SO MAD! I'd take a baseball bat to the f***ers cars and laugh at 'em when they freak out and start babbling 'cause they don't know English! XD

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    • avanori03

      Lmmfao 😂

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    • Mentor

      Lmao you wouldnt do shit im pretty sure they'll kill you and your family

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      • avanori03


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  • one_guy

    Hell yeah is normal to feel that way too. Shoot I fell mad already just by reading it. And thats the kind of stuff that fives mexicans a bad names. And they probably are paying their food/beet with food stamps more than likely!

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    • Mentor

      Lol Mexicans dont use food stamps maybe mexican-americans but mexicans from mexico are very hard working unlike americans

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      • avanori03


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  • pennay

    "they dont hardly speak english"... haha nice grammer skills :)i undestand how you feel though. id call the cops.

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  • Luvz2fuk

    Thats discusting you should tell them to get out of USA and stop trying to steal your job

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    • veetlejuice

      It's just that Mexicans are harder and better workers than most of the lazy fucks in America who take everything for granted.

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      • avanori03

        THATS A GODDAMNED LIE...Lazy, lazy, half ass work is what you get from drunk Mexican workers.

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  • HTP8322

    I believe Mexicanos may be louder than Anglos due to some cultural differences, BUT come on, these stereotypes are REALLY racist and unfair. I would rather be around a loud Mexicano than a loud white trash a-hole any day of the week. The truth is that there are rude people of ALL ethnicities and ALL walks of life, and humans regardless of where they come from (especially if they are thoughtful) deserve to be treated with respect.

    What I really hate: Rich, entitled white people that are gentrifying communities that had been largely ethnic and had family-run businesses and were also neighborhoods where struggling artists lived. Let's put this in perspective, people.

    I am from California, and California belonged to the Native Americans (who lived in peace in harmony with EVERYTHING) and then Mexicanos. It wasn't until the Whities took over that things got REALLY f*ed up!

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  • Teo

    I don't live in USA, I'm a Mexican, but I understand cultural differences.

    Uneducated people forget that a gesture or action that is acceptable at home is not in a different country. You have uneducated people white, brown, asian and color people.

    In poor countries loud music is acceptable in rural areas, poor kids don't use shoes, noisy large families are common, rural shacks don't have garbage service, etc. Uneducated poor people is the problem, not Mexicans.

    If you don't like illegal workers, eliminate illegal work. You have poor migration to your country and neighborhoods because many US citizens are USING illegal cheap labor.

    You don't need a beautiful, terrific big wall……you need a law abiding society regarding low skilled jobs.

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  • casasruby

    My parents are Mexican, or were Mexican, they are now American citizens. They NEVER behaved this way, BUT they were middle class Mexicans, my father was wealthy in Mexico (his parents owned large ranches and acres and acres of land) You neighbors are probably poor Mexicans from South of Mexico City, probably Puebla or Oaxaca, they are more indigenous and live in poverty and have little manners and class.

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  • Bassist

    . I am a white dude and live in a communaty with a lot of mexican people. They is all hard working and do like to have fun and party who doesent after working hard all week long. I play bass in a small rock band so im is use to being around loud bass and like it. So if people are bothered by the bass stop being dicks ando get some nice ear plugs.

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    • Sarina1014

      How about you stop being a prick and MOVE way, way out in the middle of nowhere and make all the noise you want.

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    • avanori03


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  • renato

    It is funny how Americans think that every single human that speaks Spanish is Mexican

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    • elephants98

      Heeyy ;)

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    • jennas

      Or call them mexican because they know it pisses off the puerto ricans and cubans who are the real catalysts to this (at least in florida).

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  • Schweeply

    Hehhehe lol Mexican neighbors.
    I'd confront them o.o

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  • Renalin

    No offense, but if there are illegal Mexicans in your neighborhood, I can't really imagine how good of an area you live in. You probably can't do anything except move.

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    • IrritatedNeighbor

      F- that, They could move. We are the ones who pay taxs and dont try to get over on people!
      Arrogant lazy Mother'fuckers

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      Yes since everyone has all the money in the world to live in the rich towns. The towns where you are expected to have nicer things to fit in. Fact is we should not have bad areas. We should not have people who are rude even if they are poor. People should respect each other no matter how much money you make. Granted stealing food because you are too poor to eat is one thing. Stealing a game boy because you are a thug and wanted to show off to your friends is another. Rich towns also are more excepting of those type of people.

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    • Sarina1014

      Nope, when 20 of them get together they can buy a 200K house in a decent neighborhood. Time to deport them all.

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  • sincity

    Viva MEXICO !!!!!!

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