Is the answer 2 or 3?

The question is how many billiard balls can the average human rectum accommodate?

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Based on 12 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • bigbudchonger


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  • CDmale4fem

    Fuck that, 0 in my ass.

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  • LloydAsher

    Because someone has to bring out the math here I'll do it.

    The average rectum (the last few inches of the colon) is about 6 imperial inches long. The standard billiard ball is 2.25 inches.

    So 2 with some wiggle room for some added bits.

    But if you include the colon (how anal enthusiasts can take massive dildos and posts) that's more than 6 feet! Meaning you could fit the entire set inside of yourself. Which will at the very least cause a blockage and excruciating pain.

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