Is minoxidil beard permanent?

I've spent the best part of this whole day searching youtube
videos and forums to find cases of people using minoxidil for a
year plus and having permanent gains when they come of it and I've found out at best a handful of cases of positive results. The majority of people are either
still using Minoxidil 1-2+ years in and have gains and those that
come off seem to have very questionable results. There is an abundance of people making
gains on it, but a distinct lack of
evidence of people with gains 6+ months off Minox I really want to believe this can
lead to permanent results post minox but it honestly seems like
the evidence isn't there yet. Has anyone else noticed this?

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20% Normal
Based on 5 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Isn't that the stuff used in Rogaine? Last I checked, the second a person stops using that stuff, they start to lose their results.

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    • sillygirl77

      That's what I heard too

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  • JewsAmiright

    It is permanent, at least for me.

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    • 09205884

      Were your hairs terminal
      when u quit using it? And u
      haven't lost any gains after

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    • 09205884

      how long ago did quit using it? And have u lost some density after that?

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