Is middle aged more about appearance than age?

For me personally I see middle aged as 50s and 60s and 70s as young elderly and 80s+ as regular elderly

Because I have a sister who is 44 I'm 30 we don't look any different in age actually she looks younger than me and no one would ever call her middle aged by appearance I think of middle aged as in you see someone rob a shop and a cop asks you what they looked like I'd say middle aged only if they're 50+ and I'd just say 30s or 40s if they looked under 50

Because I feel like most people can't tell 30s and 40s apart but 50+ you can almost always tell as it's impossible not to have sagging skin that shows your age. 30s and 40s is when your skin is starting to only show fine lines if any at all and 50+ is when they become more pronounced and obvious

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Iambillythemenacetosociety


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  • chiisana_izumi

    i agree 100%. everyone generally looks the same from around 20s-late 40s. i think the exception is really bad genetics or people who have bad health.
    when i was a teenager people would often ask if my mom and i were sisters, one time even twins XD

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I can almost always tell 30s and 40s apart easily. Sometimes late 30s can look likr 40s. But 40s hardly ever look like early 30s. Some 30 year olds pass for 25 still.

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    • 40s can definitely pass for 30s lol my sister is usually mistaken for 20s. She's 44. People assume I'm the older sister whenever I say we're sisters. They think she's early 20s.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Id have to see it to believe it. Ive never in my life seen a 44yo woman that can pass for 20s. Infact women usually age faster than men in my opinion. Its easier to tell with them.

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        • You definitely have you probably didn't realize it. The coworker at one of my last jobs who was one of my shift managers I thought she was a little younger than me I was 28 then and turned out she was 42 so yeah it's more common than you probably realize.

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