Is it normal to keep hearing videogame sound effects in my head?

I stopped playing videogames as I unfortunately suffer from a videogame addiction for one week as I want to cut out games from my life and balance what is important to me in life. Everytime that I wake up I keep hearing videogame sound effects.

I slept and all I could hear in my head was the coin sound effect and various other sound effects.

I only ever wanted to stop playing videogames as I want to be able to touch grass and do something productive in life as I realized life isn't about playing games and that there is more to living life.

My parents checked up on me as I kept hearing the sounds in my head while I kept saying to myself please make it stop and also how they've been concerned about me not socializing with anyone or going out with friends and I want to change that I want to experience socializing with someone but I wouldn't know where to start as I haven't socialized with anyone for a long time.

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67% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Anonnet

    Would normally be normal, but I think you're panicking way too much over something really minor. Yes, sound effects stick in your head after you've heard them over and over again, and video games tend to replay the same sound effects many times (coin pickups, gunfire, character phrases, jingles, etc). This isn't a problem, it's exactly the same thing that would happen if you watched a lot of the same TV show, or listened to the same music track too many times. Or heard an annoying, overly catchy tune once.

    It's not "withdrawal", it's just how sound works. And repetition in general.

    Chances are that your lack of ability to socialize isn't directly linked to gaming. Not to say that stopping gaming won't help, but stopping gaming ALONE won't help. You have to actually put yourself out there.

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  • bbrown95

    I've heard someone who was addicted to video games say that they experienced similar things when they stopped playing. They said it was as if their brain would keep trying to play the game. Hopefully it will stop the more you stay away from the games, and it's just your brain having a sort of "withdrawal" or something similar.

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    • Maybe it is a withdrawal but I'll have to give it 3-4 weeks or more for it to go away

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      • bbrown95

        Good luck! I know it's hard.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I was not a big gamer growing up but I got addicted to counterstrike 1.5 then 1.6

    Id sometimes play like 12 hours a day. I had a clan and everything we would compete. Then I started noticing after a long game when I was in a car id notice life lag a little like the game would. It was hard to explain but it scared the hell out of me. My dad told me I could damage my brain playing too much and I started to believe it.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Must be a lot of gaming to do that, geez.

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  • Meowypowers

    I wake up in the morning with wild songs in my head, they're sometimes way back game jams

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