Is it normal to dream about your crush in jail?

Ok so, last night I dreamt about my crush. Normal right? Well, for some reason he was being put in jail along with his twin brother, his friend Lukas, and Lukas' twin sister. I have no idea why. But anyways, they were all being put in jail and I started crying cause I was upset. Then my ex best friend (she's been an ex best friend for 2 months so far because she decided to go behind my back and do something stupid. we were best friends for 3 years and now we don't speak at all btw) showed up and attempted to make me stop crying. Since I just couldn't stop crying she put me and her in the backseat of a car my abusive dad was driving. Then I woke up. Idk. This whole dream was just weird. Let me know what you think about it in the comments please

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Comments ( 5 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Perhaps you fear losing the good people in your life and being forced to resort back to those who have wronged you?

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    • Somenormie

      How I interpret this is that the jail part could symbolize that OP is constantly thinking about the crush but the OP cannot escape the fact he has a crush on her and he cannot seem to get out of the feeling.

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    • primrose576239

      ohh thats a good possibility

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  • primrose576239

    dreams can often be a reflection of your own self, but its not necessary they mean something. its best not to overthink if the dream doesn't make much sense :)

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I personally dont think dreams mean anything. I think its just your brain hallucinating in your sleep.

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