Is it normal to cut off your shoelaces?

I've never been able to tie my shoes. Ever. I'm 28 years old and I have Asperger's Syndrome. I grew up with velcro shoes but now that I'm an adult and all, it can be difficult to find velcro shoes to fit my foot size. Every time I attempt at tying my shoes, I just end up braiding the laces instead. I also have a habit of crossing my legs and every so often, my mind will wander and I'll start picking at the aglets (plastic bits) on the end of the shoelaces until they peel off. I work a job and I'm pretty well-payed for a developmentally disabled adult so its not like I'm some unemployed tool, I just have awkward motor skills. Today I bought a 3 dollar scissors simply because my left shoe came untied. I didn't want a stranger to notice and ask me to tie my shoe so I discreetly cut the laces off and threw them in the garbage. Sure, the laces on my left shoe look all ugly since I docked them but the laces were all dirty anyway. Besides, I'll probably be getting a new pair of shoes before visiting my family for Christmas so my old shoes are gonna be obsolete anyway.

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55% Normal
Based on 11 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • BlueAlice

    As a fellow spectrumite, I could completely get this! I'm OK on laces and would be happy to help if you felt like asking but I understand how odd and embarrassing it'd seem to ask a stranger to do it.

    My ex-girlfriend has special elasticated ones that don't need tying and - from memory - don't have those bits at the end.

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  • Katerina

    Meh. I guess it's not the most normal thing, but there's definitely nothing wrong with doing it. You do you, if it works for you, go for it. If you do cut it short, you can maybe try dipping the ends of the shortened laces in wax (just don't burn yourself) or tie some tape around it or something to keep it from fraying. But it's not necessary, there's definitely an infinite amount of worse things to do than to walk around with shortened and fraying laces

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