Is it normal that every once in a while my emotions completely shut off?

I don't have much control over it, it typically happens after what most people would consider stressful events, things that have no effect on me whatsoever; things i know should bother me. And although it sometimes occurs after a lack of stress, it can happen for no reason at all. Completely emotionless for weeks at a time: no joy, no sorrow, no love, no hate, nothing. I do everything i would normally do, i just wonder why. Why do anything if i can't get anything out of it? What's the point of life if i feel nothing when i should feel the most? Of course it _sounds_ depressing but i don't always have that luxury.
Not that i feel much in the first place...

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 11 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Algum

    It's not right, but nowadays there do seem to be more people than ever who seem to have less emotion and care for others, and more people that care about only themselves. However, I do think it's usually more people who only care about their closest friends and family (their parents, kids, partners, closest friends) but not about anyone else, and that honestly is not really that horrible a thing. If you stop giving a shit about your closest family and friends too, that's not OK at all. And I don't think it's OK to totally not care about people besides family and good friends, but it is normal to care less about those besides them. Honestly, if I saw someone go out of their way for someone they hardly knew but then spit in their mother's eye, I would not think that they're a very good person.

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    • Sometimes i can't even care about myself.

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  • LuxM4G

    Well, you should discuss this with a certified psychiatrist. It's hard for us to evaluate your condition and give you advice based only on what you have told us because there are several pathologies that fit that profile.

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    • Kevinevan

      Bullshit it just means they aren't ready to deal with the situation and need time to figure it out.

      Paying some moron to give you a label and psych meds won't do shit except fuck up your mind more and make you broke.

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    • So in other words you're saying it's Not normal?

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      • LuxM4G

        No, it's definitely not normal and especially not good for you as something might be wrong with you. I usually don't chip in my vote on the "normal", "not normal" poll because for me normality is pretty relative.

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        • I figured as much...

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