Is it normal to think that christianity is kind of gay?

You had this guy that never had sex with a woman in his life who spent all of his time hanging out with 12 other guys in the desert. He turned water into wine (instead of beer) and hung out with prostitutes without even fucking a single one of them. He appeared all shiny-like in a vision to some guy named "Saul," and his fabulousness was enough to blind him for three days. Then, Saul changes his name to Paul, and, clearly struggling with gay urges himself, tells men never to marry and tells Roman men to stay uncut.

Fast forward, you've got this flashy-ass religion full of "Father" this and "daddy" that with all these stained-glass windows and flashy robes, some of which are definitely sequenced. Men describe themselves as "the bride of Christ" or whatever, and get down on their knees in hopes that he will "come into" their lives. They sip liquid which symbolically comes from Jesus, and sing songs about how much he means to them. They await the "Second Coming," whereupon this guy will come back and do some fabulous shit that will result in him establishing a kingdom for all his dudes to live in.

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40%Β Normal
Based on 5 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Many atheists seem obsessed with the Bible in an odd way. Anytime someone prays for a kid with cancer, or a death, or the mere mention of God theres an atheist angry somewhere about ppl believing in God, and they always have to say something about how God doesnt exist without realizing or caring how it affects the situation for the worse.

    It gives credit to his existence to some people because some could explain that as being demonic because its unnecessarily cruel and often times people including you yourself are seemingly conflicted on the subject as you know a lot about the bible and obviously think about it. Some religious ppl would think there's a spiritual war going on inside you

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  • LloydAsher

    If you wanted to get fucked up, historically wine was where it was at.

    Only in the last few hundred years distillation was refined enough where our alcohol content increased passed 12%

    Beer was very weak by today's standards (1-3% ABV) as the fermentation kills the yeast/the sugar would run out. Wine was stronger than beer because of its sugar content.

    That's why when jesus and the boys wanted to party, wine was the perfered choice.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes, you're right, and nobody except me likes the right guy, they want to attack their identities because they're right. As for me I'm hopping on the bandwagon, it's all 50/50 even though the chances are a huge slice of the cake. I do, very little, should change my thinking. Women are to cook for men, they're obligated to serve them and treat them with respect, otherwise your wife wouldn't be real. And if it's the best possible world that literally means I can be enslaved to your advice and my rule, I only act on his will, and if that doesn't grab you you have good piece of advice and I'm not, not even once since I was a kid, non-stop, ever going to let you down. It's exactly what you say it is.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Thank you, all my high school days no girl would date me, me doing sex over there the teachers thought I was evil. It's a big deal when I think this stuff's good, from head to toe the women think I'm cute and tried to suck me off, I wasn't interested since she could've hurt me, later on the most I get out of women is kissing all night, it's not a fakearse relationship, when no one wants to marry me, that's the problem. I saw a photo of me, I look quite cute, and like a nerd (no I wasn't wearing glasses), it doesn't make me a nerd, I don't know what to do, I have the licence to force a woman to say yes and so I could've married Rebecca Mind, my high school sweetheart, before she cheated on me with another boy. I could've proposed a marriage, I wouldn't take this woman home to my mother, she was bad.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Wait a minute, so you're saying frustrated men like me don't complain we can't find a wife? I was briefly complaining seven or eight times to my dad and my mother that I can't find a wife, I'm an incel too, why shouldn't I be (laughs at woman with flowers because he can't get some, also laughs at woman's frown on her forehead because of what a shocking condition this is).

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's normal to think this waste of time of anti-religious talk refers to religion that's gay, but it's odd to call Jesus and his men fabulous, or make gay innuendo about blood. I think only an atheist will possibly suffer from the delusion that this is gay. I think in all probability Jesus was a Pythagorean, sun worshipper, and altruist in all his endeavours, yet he had Platonic friendship with his invisible dad and not his real dad. Most sects of Christianity very much are anti-gay, the gays have two choices, get straight for Jesus, or just be gay and atheistic. It's not easy having Christian Holy Ghost bullshit with you as a way of life, as it's not easy being sinless as a true belief of Puritan.

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  • LloydAsher

    Even then I think prostitution would radically decrease incels.

    I'm pro prostitution. Shouldnt be illegal but I think a system should regulate it hard. I feel like it's a valid state right issue.

    As a bonus it could cut down on drug addiction and assaults. And possibly serial killer starter victims.

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  • LloydAsher

    I agree with modern interpretation of the bible. People didnt know how to prepare crustaceans and pork, thus it was unclean because it was literally unclean.

    I dont see that as cherry picking when you exclude those parts of the teaching.

    Your points still ring true today. Dispite coming a far in medical technology and std prevention the best thing to do is remain abstinent until marriage.

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  • ospry

    OP sounds intrigued. Like, alarmingly so

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  • kikilizzo

    Yeah its pretty gay. Jesus, King of queers πŸŒˆπŸ’˜πŸ’‹πŸ†

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    • LloydAsher

      King of mankind. So yeah queers are included

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