Is it normal to think keeping large dogs in an apartment is animal abuse

I have a new neighbour which seems to have a german shepard dog. I have only seen him with it twice but I have heard it barking in there several times so it must be his. That is a small apartment and it is not okay to keep such a large dog in there.
There are more people in this neighbourhood with large dogs. One woman has a rottweiler she only walks on the parking lot outside like twice a day. That is double animal abuse because a rottweiler need lots of exercise, long walks, not to stand around on the fucking parking lot. Thats probably why the dog is so angry trying to attack people all the time. Last time I saw her with it the dog was wearing a thing around its mouth so it cannot bite. I can only guess the reasons why it now has to wear one of those things... Only a week before that I saw her standing outside her gate with the dog waiting to go inside. Most likely a person was in the staircase, and she always avoids going near people with that dog since it wants to attack and this neighbourhood is full of children. Very safe... She cannot control it if a group of children suddenly runs past the dog while playing, and if that happens the dog will lose it 100% and try to get loose to attack. Shes not very strong and one day she wont be able to hold it back. Im certain if the dog at least had proper exercise daily it would be less aggressive.
These people are abusers. Just get a fucking cat if you are so lazy you cant even walk your own fucking dog, retards. You can walk a cat on the fucking parking lot if you want to just stand around. Jeez.
It infuriates me that these people that are so egotistical and lazy get dogs in the first place.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Vvaas

    like aster said i think it's okay as long as you still give the dog physical and mental exercise and not just keep the dog stuck in the small apartment all day bc you can't be bothered to walk it or something. i think it also depends on the dog itself because each can differ in personality and energy levels, like i have a border collie x german shepherd mix which are both known to be pretty active breeds however while he has access to the backyard to run around and play he prefers to laze around in my small room instead most of the time lol

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  • AsterBean

    A lot of people have dogs they probably shouldn't have adopted. People don't always do the proper research. You can keep a dog in a small space if you exercise it both mentally and physically. I have a very active dog and when I can't exercise her, I give her mental games to play to keep her happy. I wish everyone did this.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Try minding your own business.

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    I tend to agree. A large dog needs room to run, and also needs to be walked as all dogs do. Another thing I see is people with dogs bred for the cold like Malemutes walking them in the sweltering heat with their coats shedding in heaps. I confronted a woman at the beach about it and she said that always happens. Stupid.

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  • LloydAsher

    Utility animals are the exception.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I think the only people who should keep dogs are those who have several dogs, and who live in a cabin out in the woods, so the dogs are in their natural environment and have the company of their own kind.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Wish you did a tldr

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  • LloydAsher

    Any animal I cant confidently kill bare handed is an animal that I dont get.

    Large dogs that are bricks of muscle I dont give myself a 100% chance.

    Plus dogs under 40 pounds are easier to manage.

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