Is it normal to not feel like a part of society?

I do my own thing in life, I work, I travel, etc. But I still don't feel like I'm part of society.

I mean everyone my age is getting married and settling down and having kids. Even though I don't want that, I still feel like an oddball. I've never been someone to follow the crowd but I feel like these things are typical life events that I "should" be doing. But it's WEIRD because I dont WANT those things lol

What I'm trying to say is.. I don't feel recognized as part of society because I don't want those things. I feel like I'm shunned or something, or that my life is less appreciated because I don't want to follow everyone else by getting married and having kids and buying a house I can't afford..

Like if someone announces they're having a baby, everyone is so happy and excited for them. But if I go on a trip someplace, no one cares.

Anyone else get it?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Tinybird

    I don't work or travel or have boyfriends or go out much at all. You're more a part of society than me.

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    • normal-rebellious

      A jobless woman eh? Then what is it that you do, Ms Interesting?

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      • Tinybird

        I do whatever I want. I make music, make recordings, draw, write stories, sew plushies... All for hobby, as I don't want to give any of them away. Otherwise I play games with my sister or watch things with my sister.

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  • raisinbran

    Don’t worry, millions of people injected themselves with poison and thought they were doing what was ‘normal and expected’. None of those people have a monopoly on normal.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I think the norm in advanced societies is to not want to proceate

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  • normal-rebellious

    I bloody well work, what you're doing isn't normal, but there are other kinds of normal, like living in a flat and going out for takeout coffee, a lot of people are doing that. You should save your money, but what do you think, go and travel and run out of money, or stay in your house and go to work and save money? I think to be like everybody else instead of marrying and having kids, go buying a takeout coffee, or have fish & chips with tartar sauce, or button your shirt from the top down, do your shoe laces, brush your teeth, have nightly showers (with soap and the right or cheap conditioner), drink wine, I hope that helped.

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