Is it normal to demand a prenup prior to marriage?

Long story short: I worked hard to buy my house and I don’t have a mortgage. I offered her the deal that whatever we had before marriage remains ours, while whatever we earn after marriage we earn together. She yelled at me for “planning for failure”, when all I want is to protect my net worth. The net worth gap is significant (factor 10+) as she has always been on state support, while I have been working hard (we’re the same age).

I thought that it would be a fair deal to say that anything we earn after marriage is shared… Is my request really that unreasonable?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I honestly don't want to ever get married again, but if I did I would want a prenuptial agreement, because although I'm rather poor I will probably inherit just enough money to have to worry about some sack of shit trying to rip me off. If I met some dude with money I certainly wouldn't have a problem signing a prenuptial agreement, because I'm not trying take advantage of anyone.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Huge red flag if shes bitching about a prenub. Either she signs it or dont get married. Dont do it.

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    • litelander8

      I don’t think it’s a red flag to complain about a prenup. The red flag is that she obviously refuses to work. That’s weird.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Why would she not sign a prenupt? Theres not a single good reason not to. Thats even without considering hes worth 10x what she is and she doesnt work. What would stop her from just divorcing him in a few months and taking 50% of his stuff?

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        • litelander8

          It’s a touchy topic. Most partners make/ female get concerned when asked to sign a prenup.

          I personally would sign it no problem and just pull money out and return things for cash to make my own savings incase of emergency.

          But really a prenup protects both people. Just gets a bad reputation.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Its not the most romantic thing in the world to ask for one but you gotta protect yourself. If they freaked out too bad id assume they want my money and would consider calling it off.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Better than demanding a pinup prior to marriage, it will not go down well.

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  • LloydAsher

    If I consider a prenup than I wouldnt consider marriage. Sure it's like insurance on the off chance of divorce. Though I perfer to have motivation to sort out my marriage first rather than going straight to divorce.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    If someone refuses a prenup don't marry them. Not worth it. Absolutely normal especially in a day and age where you can get divorce raped. Just explain your reasons and if she doesn't like it well suck to sucks don't it?

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