Is it normal that i hate really fat people?

By fat people, I don't mean your average overweight person, I'm talking about the kind of people who look like Nikocado Avocado. The mere sight of people who look like that makes me feel disgusted and angry, and makes me lose hope for the future of mankind.

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50% Normal
Based on 28 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Somenormie

    I don't hate them but I hate the fat acceptance movement with a passion.

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    • RoseIsabella


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    • MonkThousandWords

      I also disagree with the fat acceptance movement, I only encourage fat acceptance when they have a condition or something that makes them hard to lose weight or just plain impossible. for those that are normal, lazy and using this movement to justify their current health is a big no for me.

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    • bigbudchonger


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    • Wow3986

      Okay so you're admitting that you're a fatphobe that wants fat people to hate their bodies?

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  • Vvaas

    it's kind of weird to feel hatred towards a random person you don't even know bc of their weight. yeah it's unhealthy but that's their own problem, plus they could actually be a really nice person. i don't think you should automatically judge someone on their appearance before you get to know them

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  • dirtybirdy

    Am I supposed to know who this Avocado thing is???

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    • Be glad that you don't. Lmao

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I don't hate fat people. I used to be fat myself. I do silently judge my friends who complain all the time about being fat and doing nothing to change it though.

    Ugh. Why does autocorrect keep trying to correct the word fat to far? XD

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I do wonder how many obese people suffer from binge eating disorder, I suspect it’s under diagnosed. You don’t know how those people got to that weight and feeling rage at them simply for being obese is not normal.

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    • Where were all these people in the 1960s? Seriously, ever seen a photo of an obese person back then?

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      • ibrokemyds

        assuming you're american - approximately 10% of people were classified as obese in the 1950s and since then that percentage has only risen. so they were definitely out there

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        • No I am not american. If you look at pictures from the 1950s from my country, you literally don't see a single fatty anywhere. Hell, even if you look at people as far as into the 1980s here, fatties are almost as hard to find as bigfoot. An older guy I know actually went to America in 1986, and was shocked by the amount of fatties there everywhere, but now it looks like this here too.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        The Fat Acceptance Movement started in the 1960s. But increased access to fast food has made it easier to binge eat than ever, previously they would have found other (likely self-destructive) ways to cope with their issues.

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        • Okay, such as cutting themselves? Oh wait, that's 10x more prevalent today. I think people in general are just way more unhappy nowadays, mental illness far more rampant.

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  • raisinbran

    Yeah because they shouldn’t be out in public pretending they are normal.

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  • Momforboys

    I don't hate them, but they're disgusting. I was working as a temp at a place where they hired a manager's wife who's like 5'9" and has got to weigh 300 lbs. She'd come into my office huffing and puffing as if she were going to have a heart attack. She actually was a nice person but I just couldn't deal with her and couldn't wait until they hired someone permanent.

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  • Eddyblaze

    Well, I actually have come across people that without knowing them I already hate them for no reason, it has nothing to do with body shape, it just looking at them... Very weird

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  • Harry_Irision93

    Hatred towards anybody is unjustified, even the worst criminals, as even the nastiest people can change.
    But, in the context of obesity, it's not so much about the person's stature, rather their attitude towards it. I have tremendous sympathy for people with overactive thyroids, or lipedema, who try and try to lose weight, only for it to be nearly completely fruitless.
    But, for people like Nickocado Avocado, disdain and mockery is really the only way to fix these people. He's not healthy, he's clearly not happy, and no amount of "body positivity" will change that. Not unless we get to the root of the cause, which is that obesity has become so non-stigmatized, that it's almost encouraged, and as such is leading people down very unhealthy, unfulfilling lifestyles.
    You've got to be cruel to be kind, as they say.

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  • KalintheFallow

    I’m not sure if it’s normal but I do too. I always feel really bad when I think that way but my initial reaction is always disgust-

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