Is it normal nintendo hates emulation, but doesn't wanna offer their old games?

Nintendo HATES emulation and wants to get rid of it, but at the same time they refuse to offer their old games on Switch. ( All of them, atleast ) So basically, if Nintendo gets what they want, you'll never be able to play a SNES game not on the SNES app on Switch ( unless you have the SNES console ). I think this is insane since I'm a firm believer that videogames should be preserved for future generations, but Nintendo apparently doesn't seem to want that. Why does it bother them so much? It's not like they're making money out of them anymore anyways.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Anonnet

    It's basically the piracy debate, but in a specific area that logically favors the pirates. I've always been on the side of pirates on the DRM front. If your game is really good, it will make good sales anyway, and a lot of the people who pirate the game weren't going to buy it regardless. Still, some people liken it to stealing, infringing on IP, etc n' whatever. I've been writing too many long posts lately.

    If the game isn't being sold, it's really a "who cares" issue, but unsold games aren't the only games on emulators. The same games Nintendo actually is selling for a subscription price on Switch are the same games you can download. They have the right to protect their bottom line. I have the right to give them a big, fat middle finger and download whatever I want.

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  • Clunk42

    Nintendo sues people for making fan games. They hate their fanbase.

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  • Somenormie

    I always emulate NES/Famicom games Nintendo can't even do shit they are too scared to do it anyways.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Man I was thinking the other day of getting my son super mario bros. I think its a good game because its fun but not overly addictive. Ive never was a big gamer but when I found counterstrike 1.5 I would spend hours and hours on that game. I got pretty good at it and played it for atleast 5 years daily. Now that im old and think like a boomer I see how sad that was and I could have used that time to get ahead.

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    • Anonnet

      Hey, time spent having fun is never waste-
      *re-reads and sees that you're talking about Counterstrike*
      Eh, nevermind.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I know on paper counterstrike looks so gay. Especially the original version I played but it had such an arcade feel to it and when you learned the tricks of how to listen to footsteps you learn to shoot ppl through walls and you have to shoot a certain way to be accurate. Once you get good at counterstrike its addictive.

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        • Anonnet

          Oh, I'm aware. I dipped my toes into CS when CS:GO came out and found out why it was such a big deal. It was really the, uhh, dedication people had to the game that drew me away from it. I felt like I had to read a dozen guides just to get started because of all the quote-unquote "bad habits" I had learned from playing literally any other FPS. No commentary on the game itself, but man, they're really hardcore over there.

          This definitely gives some context as to why you're so anti-game, though. I thought you were just a crotchety middle-aged guy scoffing at all the nerds while you watch ESPN.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Naw im a meat head that goes to the gym all the time. Im not middle aged yet im 32. I never tried csgo. Once you learn how to shoot the gun it gets fun. You have to stop moving to get accuracy and you cant spray you have to burst fire or single shot.

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    • I was the same, but with Halo 3. Freaking loved that game!

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  • Meanwhile, they still can't make a proper first-gen XBOX emulator after 22 years. lol

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Same reason why TV channels stopped reruns of old classics: the current generations don't want your old retired shit. We want new entertainment.

    If that upsets you, you can buy a retro gaming device or old copies of TV shows that no longer air. And seclude yourself in your nostalgia. Why force your quirky preferences on the rest of us? Why would a company sell a product when there's not enough demand for it to be profitable?

    This often happens with hype products: when the popularity runs out, you'll have trouble selling it to customers. No wonder retailers remove it from shelves. No wonder companies stop producing products that don't sell as they used to. Forward thinking companies like Nintendo are looking for new innovative projects that will make them money.

    Once a cash cow is fully milked, there's nothing left to turn a profit. And they have to start searching for something else: their next cash cow that shall be milked to death, like they did with the Pokemon franchise. How many games with the exact same gameplay can you put out?

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    • The games I grew-up with is objectively better than the pay-to-win, rushed bullshit that is popular today, and it's an objective fact. And it wasn't even that long ago, I'm talking about generation 6 consoles. Also, us zoomers can't get enough of old pop-culture, just look at the Y2K fad, we're completely unoriginal as a generation.

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