Is it normal for boyfriend to dictate birth control?

Thinking back to years ago, I dated a guy who made me take a specific type of birth control and threatened to break up with me if I didn't use it. He said I was only allowed to use the Depo shot because he didn't like the other ones and didn't trust them.

At the time I had never used birth control before so I blindly listened.

Now I'm realizing this was probably really wrong. Not to mention I allowed someone to control what chemicals went into my body. The shot was really horrific for me, I was sick every morning on it for months.

I don't think it was normal.. I'm not opposed to birth control but he threatened to break up with me if I didn't use the specific one he told me to.

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11% Normal
Based on 19 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Your ex boyfriend is a retard. It's great that you're no longer with him.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I was the opposite I told my wife not to use it when we were dating. Id wear a condom before I let a girl im dating take something that stops her ovulation. It doesnt seem natural at all. I dont trust big pharma to be honest about the risks.

    It seems weird he would force you to get an injection of birth control. Even telling a chic to take birth control at all is weird. He probably never intended on staying and didnt care if it sterilized you or something.

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    • I agree with that. I had read many horrible things about the injection and was scared to get it.. but I got it anyway because I was so stupid and naive that he'd break up with me. But at least I know now.

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  • litelander8

    That’s fucking terrifying.

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  • darefu

    Then let him leave! You are in control of your own body, by your own statement he gave you a choice! Do this or I'm gone! Bye MF, there's nobody that's got something good enough between their legs, or is just that good of a person for me to put something in my body that I don't want to.

    What did he have? Was he your crack supplier?

    Ladies, there are other guys out there, that are even better!

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  • SkullsNRoses

    That is abusive controlling behaviour and not normal at all, I’m glad to hear you got out of there.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It sounds like he was hella afraid of of you missing a dose, and having an unplanned pregnancy, but it's also not his place to dictate what sort of medication you put into your body. I think it's a general, good rule of thumb to not accept it whenever anyone gives you such an invasive ultimatum, and even if you have no objections to said ultimatum it must be seen as a RED FLAG!!!❗️😧🚩

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    Good for you for breaking it off. He was a control freak and that was only the beginning.

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    • He had ended up dumping me because I wouldn't do all the things he kept wanting me to do. I was super naïve but at least I've learned so much and won't repeat things

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  • babe7575

    I also had an ex boyfriend tell me I should go on birth control. I said, "no, never..." and he tried to control me in other ways until we finally broke up. I believe that if he really loved you, he would let you make your own decisions.

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