Is it normal can barely afford a social life

Im socially anxious so ive never had a social life really. Now i've finally managed to get my life in order. I have finally managed to make a real friend. I also have finally gotten a job, my first real job. The job doesn't pay much as it's parttime which it has been proven that I cannot work more than, maybe in the future I dont know but not now.
I live in a small town and there is nothing to do here. There's ONE café that is ran by the local church and open like 3 hours a day. The place where I work is located in an even smaller town 15 minutes away by bus and the city is located 20 minutes in the opposite direction from where I work... My new friend of course lives in the city. She's new to this entire area and wants to explore everything. She's still unemployed since she moved here this year with her boyfriend when he got a job here and I have no idea how she affords everything she does. She wants to go out for coffee weekly and that's cosy and all but one cup of coffee costs as much as an entire package of coffee costs at the store and in my opinion there is no difference in terms of quality, they're just skinning their customers. She also has bought herself a gym card and wants me to buy one too so we can go to yoga together... That sounds great and all, i've considered getting a gym card for years but I havent had anyone to go with!, but it costs an entire fortune and i'd have to take the bus to the city to even get to the gym. How do people do these things, seriously? I don't understand how people afford social lives? Sure those who work fulltime has it easier but many jobs don't even have good fulltime salaries. I've managed really well with welfare even been able to (secretly hehe) have some small savings to borrow from now and then but that was before I had a social life. Obviously my salary is gonna be more than how much you get paid in welfare but not much more so yeah... Honestly I don't mind because I love this job and my co-workers are really nice and open-minded and it's such a fun job where I get an outlet for my creative talents, but I also need to be able to be a good friend which means having money to go hang out with my friend...

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Comments ( 5 )
  • DrPissenschitz

    Are their any outdoorsy things to do like mountain trails to hike or rivers to swim/fish/go tubing?

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    • I have joint problems and im poor I cant afford appropriate shoes for everyday life much less for hiking and im not really the type to fish neither is my friend. We both only have creative hobbies, and we like shopping but that costs too lol. Its a small city with little to nothing to do. Swimming I guess its something we could do.

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  • litelander8

    You should start a club.

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    • Maybe I will!

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      • litelander8

        Maybe you could put up flyers for a discord for locals to meet. And then start outings and shit.

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