I really hate weddings

I’ve had to attend five this year, mostly family members. And I have two more to go.

I’ve been to so many during my life and I really don’t care to attend anymore. It’s not how I want to spend my weekend: I hate wearing fancy clothes, I don’t get my Saturday back, I often have to drive an hour or more for the event, I have to give a gift - and all for what? Free food and drinks?

Now I’m in one of the upcoming weddings and I’m happy about that. But it’s on a freaking Friday and out of town so I have to request two days off of work. There’s overtime that Friday and I’ll miss it. I’ve already missed overtime for another wedding and when you deny overtime they hold it against you.

I know I sound cranky and selfish. But sometimes it’s just a financial burden to attend.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • bbrown95

    I don't blame you, to be honest. Weddings can be stressful for everyone involved, especially if you have a lot going on in your life. I don't believe you are being selfish for thinking about important things like your finances, or just wanting to enjoy a nice Saturday to yourself, at all. Especially after having to attend 5+ weddings in a year! I'm going to one in a couple of months and am not looking forward to it, TBH.

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    • From the last weekend in May until September 11 I’ve only had 4 weekends without some event.

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      • bbrown95

        I can see why you'd be frustrated! I'm someone who needs a lot of quiet time and feel like a bottle of soda that's been shaken up if I have too many big weekends, myself.

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        • Quiet time is good, I’ve been lacking that the past few months.

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          • bbrown95

            I hope you're able to get some soon!

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    I can do without them too, especially because half of them end up getting divorced shortly anyway.

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  • litelander8

    That’s too many. I would’ve picked 2 or 3 to attend and set apologies to the rest.

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    • I was asked to do a reading for one.

      The other two were for my cousin’s who dad died when they were little, so my father (who looked out for them after their dad died) made me feel guilty for not attending.

      And I’m in one of the upcoming weddings.

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      • litelander8

        Ugh. I’m sorry to hear that. I had to take off 3 weekends for just 1 wedding. I refused to be a bridesmaid but I’m like an undercover maid of honor.

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        • That sucks. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I had to take so many days off.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I agree with litelander, time to start saying “no” to things you don’t want to do.

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  • Michael1991

    I don't like weddings as much aswell. They are too long lol

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    • They’re such a waste of money for everyone involved.

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  • Whatintarnation

    That's a lot of weddings. I usually get annoyed if I have to do one a year.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I have avoided most weddings. Only attending the ones for my brothers and sisters (the 1st one, I have missed several 2nd and a 3rd wedding).

    I've declined all others.

    The best wedding I ever attended was my own.... and we are still happily married and plan on being married until old age, accident, or illness takes one of us.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    When I was a kid I was trying to get into the video editing business. I had all the equipment and id do weddings all the time and edit them and sell the DVDs to the ppl. Ive been to some wild and super rich weddings before. They're ok if you're there drinking but if you're working one it sucks. You annoy ppl by filming. Id try to get the old geezers to do a quick interview too about the wedding because they gonna be dead and its something to look back on.

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  • KholatKhult

    AH I love weddings. I’m in my 30’s now so most of my friends and family have already gotten their weddings out of the way, only had 2 this year
    I only get a few opportunities to dress nice a week since I work on a farm, taking my lady out or for events is usually my only chances, so being able to get shiny for something like a wedding feels like a vacation. And I fucking love giving gifts

    Though I see where you are coming from, taking off work is hard, and they can be quite expensive. It does feel quite complimenting to be invited to such a special occasion though doesn’t it ?

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    • At first it felt good to be invited to weddings.

      But unless I’m asked to be in one or take part in it, not really anymore.

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