I don’t understand why breasts are considered sexual

It’s not like I actively want to see people’s breasts, I just don’t understand why they are considered sexual and need to be covered up (in North America, anyway). They aren’t involved in sex, well, traditional sex anyway. They are kinda just there, not really doing anything unless it’s post pregnancy. Why can’t women go shirtless at the pool, if they choose?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Tortie_Shell

    Yeah I can totally empathize with that, I more so don’t understand why men find it sexual to begin with

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    • Anonnet

      I don't really know. Trying to explain why I find breasts attractive is like trying to explain why I find any other part of a woman's body attractive. Here's my best try:

      "They are round. And soft. :B"

      Google's best try isn't much better. It could mean that I'm relating your breasts to your overall health and fertility, it could mean that I was breastfed as a baby and somehow that translates, it could be that they remind me of your butt, or it could be that my brain is specifically wired to like them so that I'll want to stimulate them because women like it which helps me bond and look like a better mate to my partner.

      None of them sound quite right to me, but that last one seems like the best guess, even though it's kind of a "chicken or the egg" thing.

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  • JustAHuman


    I love boobies!

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  • Tinybird

    Yeah I agree 100%

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