I always have a mars bar and walk like this

That's right, to kill two birds with one stone I'm talking of Mars bars and the way I walk.
Almost every time I go on Tuesday's shopping for chocolate I buy Mars bars and eat them direct from my fridge, and as for a straight fast manly virile walk, I always walk like this, my identity's built on my walk. However it's not like I'm always walking without a Mars bar, so there you go.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • ospry

    I feel like the more pressing question here is "is it normal that I built my entire identity around the way I walk?" And the answer is no

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    • normal-rebellious

      It's not about an entire identity built on my walk, it's generally about literally being a regular guy, as with everything I do, my walking style is done regularly, even though the question is whether my identity requires the way I walk, it's just a matter of me not arguing with you.

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      • ospry

        I think I'm confused. You say that your walking style is done regularly, and in the post you say you have a "straight fast manly virile walk". Does that mean that the average man has a "fast manly virile walk"? Because if so, we're living in a society of giga Chads

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