I’m afraid of right winged politics

I’m afraid of that they are right about everything

And I feel ashamed of being apart of the lgbtq an asexual and they want Jaiden Animations dead

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Tommythecaty

    The more influence the democrats gain the shittier that country and crazier its population gets. Republicans still work for much of the same corporate filth from a financial side, but without the incredibly damaging propaganda as a tactic. Lesser of two evils, it’s not rocket science.

    Sad thing is it’s not the lefts fault, they’ve been socially engineered by very devious, insidious propaganda. Many of those poor people are beyond repair and it’s disheartening to say the least. It’s terrifying to see so many adults act like this on a daily basis, with the emotional range of toddlers.


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    • 1WeirdGuy

      But then republicans are sellouts in their way. Look up antiBDS laws. Theres a wikipedia article. In 35 states you have to swear an oath to Israel to get into public office. It sounds like bs but just google it. Most of these are red states. Then Ron DeSantis the supposed champion of freedom wants to make anti semitism a felony because ppl were passing out flyers in Florida showing how many Jews are in Bidens cabinet.

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    • up_my_ass_boiz

      rightwingers are busy sending bomb threats to a skunk-piss "beer" company because of a tran on a can, every time there's a shooter it's some far right conspiranoid dipshit, yahoos in the sticks think soros is making hunter s. thompson grade drugs from harvesting kids blood and that tucker carlson is a messenger from god, but it's dems who are damaged beyond repair. cast out the beam from your eye, etc.etc.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        The last shooter was literally a tranny that shot up a christian school. Theres been a lot of liberal shooters. There was like 3 trannies that have been raided by the FBI since for planning a shooting.

        Try to name one MAGA red trump hat wesring republican that shot up anything. White supremacist shooters all hate Trump because he's for israel. White supremacists dont care much about blacks because blacks arent in power theyre poor. No one cares about them.

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        • up_my_ass_boiz

          It's like, our, 1 tranny for good knows how many cis righties? Not a fair comparison at all. Consider that maha bitch t hff at attacked people who voted Democrat in a coffee shop with a machete. I don't even like dems, quit making me defend them you shit

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    • raisinbran

      Haha, patient zero for TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

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      • Tommythecaty

        Lol patient zero 🤣

        I couldn’t believe it was real when I first saw it, although there are endless examples since.

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  • Anonnet

    All kinds of people, even people on the right, are needed because emotionally-driven decisions are usually bad decisions. Real solutions need some percentage of both, but a lack of empathy isn't inherently bad. It depends on what the problem is.

    Heck, people not caring about each other, and people not caring about each other's FEELINGS are two completely different things, too. Look up the different schools of morality/ethics. A short example:

    Caring too little or too much about people's feelings can and has lead to a lack of empathy for other people. In one instance you're probably putting the needs of a few above the needs of many (the trolley problem), while in the other case you're probably ignoring the needs of *too* many in favor of some ideal or status quo.

    It's easy to go "see, if we had just gone with my decision, things would be better!" Which isn't much different from this statement: "See, if we had just gone with my decision, that one guy on the trolley tracks would still be alive!"

    Anyway, I kinda rambled. The OP is so vague that it doesn't really warrant this. He's afraid that the right wing is right, so he... wants to have sex, I guess. He should just see a counselor.

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  • LloydAsher

    As I said before everyone is a little moderate on something. Equal ground is holy ground at this point. Politics is mostly the last 10% of disagreement as 90% is agreed upon.

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  • Tinybird

    Asexual is the absence of a sexuality so why would it be in LGBTQ?
    I don't give a crap about politics, all politics are bullshit.

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    • up_my_ass_boiz

      just cause you dont fuck with politics dont mean they dont fuck with you. what kind of religion you get to follow (if any), how you get to present yourself in public, who you get to fuck, if you get a say in marriage partner, where you get to live, how much you get to eat, etc etc. are all political questions. you don't give a fuck about politics because none of tis is a problem to you, i guess

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      • Tinybird

        The thing is that no matter what side of politics it is, they won't give me a say in marriage or who I want to fuck, so what I say is: SCREW ALL OF THEM.

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          What man are you looking to marry that isn't approved by the government?

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          • Tinybird

            I only seem to like people/things that I can't have. Fictional, too young/old, dead, famous, taken, too far away, don't know I exist, or some ridiculously obscure kind of person that would be impossible to come by or have some special trait about them, or otherwise sometimes non-living, non-sentient things such as tornadoes, liminal spaces, a song, and chilli peppers.
            Plus I believe that I can love anyone, whether the government approves or not. I don't need the government's approval to love someone. I only need mine and their approval. Apart from the fact the government does the very things it punishes us regular people for doing and wanting. Why would you follow the rules of a hypocrite?

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            • dude_Jones

              Damn, you’re smarter than the average 30 year old. Your practical and conservative/libertarian viewpoints are very refreshing. Please continue to share your ideas. High intelligence is always welcome.

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      • DrPissenschitz

        Isn't that how everyone practices politics? If it doesn't matter to you, then no shits are given?

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  • LloydAsher

    Yes but it didnt go into detail about sexual positions or anything. What I got was purely the mechanics of sexual activity.

    Penis goes into vagnina, stimulation via intercourse, ejaculation, the great sperm race to the egg.

    I'm not being pious or anything, just that I'm starting to get fed up about the aspect of potentially teaching kids unnecessary information under the pretext that kids are too stupid to understand unwritten rules YET are mature enough to need the context.

    If you are above the age of 10 I can guarantee you that they have viewed porn at some point.

    Bare bone information only. Let the parents fill those gaps. If they dont it's on them.

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  • LloydAsher

    It's not nice... its brutally honest. I hear about an american tragedy (pick one) and I get over it within the hour. That's a courtesy, shit goes down anywhere else and I really dont care, life goes on.

    And I'm a libertarian, people shouldnt give two shits about other peoples agendas unless it directly goes against your own interests. Which just so happens to be why politics exist.

    To the conservatives anything other than binary is a threat to society, excluding their biblical sources for it being bad there is logical palpable reasons why disagreeing about classifying unusal sexual orientations as being normal being a problem for a functioning society.

    Individually, you can do whatever the fuck you want I dont care. But thinking drag shows are an acceptable media for children is delusional. That extreme point is what is being used as fodder to get the conservatives being ravenous about keeping the status quo if not regressing. Might I add it's also used by the left wing progressives to get their own party ravenous about abortion rights. Which like most topics people sit in a happy moderate position. It's the extremes that get people mad. For that point, state rights rule tbh as it's a states rights issue.

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  • BleedingPain

    Both sides have nut jobs and wackos. Leftist nutjobs tend to dismantle from from the exterior ie: riots, looting, theft and vandalism (storming the capitol is and exception). Right wing wackos tend to dismantle through policy changes that they think will benefit them ie: anti gay/trans laws, not voting to change tax brackets for ill cause big government fear mongered them into keeping the same broken system ( or they are the 1% which the new bill would have increased their taxes)

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  • kikilizzo

    All politics is terrifying. Both rightwing and leftwing sucks when too extreme but to a moderate degree they both have good points. I'm mostly leftwing I guess and I used to hate rightwing people but I don't anymore. I don't care if someone is rightwing, I judge people based on how they act and from what I have gathered many people aren't very invested in politics and you can't judge someone harshly based on how they vote if they are only mildly invested. Nowadays I almost think the left is worse at least in my country because they refuse to open their eyes to what's really going on out of fear of being racist even though my country has had way too much immigration in recent years which has lead to lots of violent gang criminalty and stuff this country has never had a big issue with in the past. The leftwing really only cares about being woke most of the time and being friendly to everyone when that simply isn't realistic because sometimes you have to be firm and set some boundries and refuse to tolerate certain things.

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  • AsterBean

    I just rolled my eyes.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    It is terrifying

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  • dirtybirdy

    I've never been interested in politics but the last several years I have conversations with my mother about it trying to understand what's going on. Its pathetic but I just never paid attention to things that didn't interest me and the fact that non Americans know more about this place than me is crazy. Im workin on it, mmkay

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  • Hubbard

    I clicked yes before I read further. I should not have done that

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  • LloydAsher

    You dont need a god damn picture to explain what being gay is. Such as you dont need a picture to explain what being straight is. What you do need a diagram for is sexual reproduction.

    When you get to a certain age you can work it out yourself how that shit would work. Anal diagrams is stupid, if you Showing anal beads and dildos in middle school/highschool textbooks are pointless as you will exclusively not be able to purchase said items until you are 18.

    I'm just saying that kids "figure out" about unwritten aspects of society.

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  • KholatKhult

    The CIA gunna start seeing potential in you bro

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      the whole thing reeks of an fsb trap to me

      putin animations

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