How to make $5000 in one year

What are some ways besides getting a fulltime minimum wage job to make $5000? Like a temp job or something where people don't care that much about your personality... Something where you just sign up and guaranteed a job after your background check clears?

Also for manual labor if you're a white guy and hang out at Home Depot with the Mexicans, will they murder you, or will contractors not want to hire you cause they're afraid you know the law and might sue them if you fall off a ladder?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • LloydAsher

    Man I dont know what kind of shithole country you must be in but 5k ain't that much to most of us. (Its a lot but it's a very doable amount with any job)

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    In one year? You should be looking into making 5000 in 2 weeks. With inflation as bad as it is 100k a year is no longer uppermiddle class. Hell in cali you're damn near poor with that.

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  • KholatKhult

    There is absolutely no way in hell you have the physical ability and stamina to work construction if this is how you approach labor. Also with what I hear about Mexicans you’d stand no chance keeping up. You sound very reluctant to effort.

    If US minimum wage is $7.25/hour and you’re only looking for $5,000, that would mean you wouldn’t even need to work 20 hours a week no matter your job.

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  • Wow3986

    I get it. You hate Mexicans. Thank you. This hate needs to stop!!!

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I can give you some work to do for 5k a year.

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    • ospry


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      • Lusty-Argonian

        No just shit I don't wana do. You can start with cleaning out my car

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        • Sure, I would do that and other miscellaneous tasks.

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  • RoseIsabella


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