How to hide that i’m a virgin

I am 19 and female and I’m still a virgin. I met a guy recently and I think things are going towards us having sex but he doesn’t know that I’m still a virgin. I told him my body count is 1 and that it was during a brief relationship when I was 17 (the relationship ship actually happened we just never had sex) so it’s not like I’ve said I’m super experienced.

I’m just worried that we will be able to tell and I’m a virgin when it comes to us actually having sex (his body count is 4). I have used a vibrator before so I’m not worried about my hymen breaking (I know it’s debated whether or not that happens), I’m more just worried about behaving or moving awkwardly and giving it away. I have googled how to hide my virginity and most of the questions are asked from a male perspective and I’m aware that things such as porn are completely unrealistic. So how can I successfully hide that I’m a virgin?

Note: I’m not interested in responses saying to tell him the truth, that I shouldn’t be ashamed of being a 19 year old virgin, or that guys like virgins, I have made up my mind about hiding it.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • ibrokemyds

    girl it honestly doesn't matter. at all. he's either gonna be neutral about it or it's gonna turn him on. the fact you're so adamant about hiding this and don't want hear responses about telling him the truth is a bit of a red flag on your part ngl

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Women want to hide when they are virgins now? Thats a new one for me. Didnt that used to be a womans big selling point just 10 years ago?

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    • Meatballsandwich

      I don't get it either. Most guys LOVE the thought of fucking a virgin girl.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Just scream I'm not a virgin the entire time. Look, the more you say it, the more he'll believe it.

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  • BleedingPain

    Just dont tell him unless he asks, and dont act in any way that would let him know

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  • Tinybird

    I'm 25 and I'm a virgin and I'm proud of it.

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  • darefu

    I don't agree with hiding it, or not telling, but you have already lied to him about it.

    So, if you've made your mind up, then I don't think it should be that big of a problem that he would notice. The biggest issue is going to be controlling your own emotions, because you won't be a virgin afterwards.
    You've already told him only 1 and he is not real experienced either. Just remind him when that time comes that you want to take it slow and learn what you like, or don't like. Ask him if he's willing to help you learn, the right person will treasure that request and under stand you are inexperienced but not necessarily a virgin.

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  • bbrown95

    I second this. If you lie about one thing in a relationship, even if it isn't earth-shattering, your partner may wonder what else you've lied about and lose trust in you. Also, a relationship in which you feel the need to lie about certain aspects of yourself in just doesn't seem healthy, as your partner should be someone you feel comfortable to be yourself around and not feel ashamed about it.

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  • SaddleGoose

    The chances are he either isn't going to care that you're a virgin or will really like that you're a virgin, so I'm not sure why you would hide it, especially now when there seems to be a big trend in male online discourse about dating where men say they would prefer it.

    I think most guys would be understanding of it. If he knows you're a virgin he will most likely understand your reactions to certain things and be a bit more careful about the experience, I hope. I'd just tell him.

    Good luck! <3

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    No one should know if you do not tell them

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  • NoRestForTheWicked

    First few times sex with your new partner is always going to be awkward. Tell him what you like, tell him if he touches you right or not. Guide his hands. Don't fake an orgasm. Tell him upright if you don't feel anything. That is how experienced girls behave in the bedroom. They are more assertive and more easily speak up when something doesn't go the way they want.

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  • jethro

    So you are 14 and you don't want him to know you haven't been sleeping around. So what. No big deal. Just tell him. If it bothers him then he isn't the one for you. Being a virgin is not that big of an issue in a relationship. What do you think he will do when you tell him you are pregnant in a few months?

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    • I’m 19, as it says multiple times in the post which it appears half the commenters didn’t even bother to read before commenting

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      • jethro

        Oh I read it alright but I also used to say that I was 21 when I went into the bars at 16. I even had ID to prove it. I still think you are 14.

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        • Believing it’s so unusual and impossible to be a virgin at 19 proves my point about wanting to hide it

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          • jethro

            If you say so skippy

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  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

    shred that hymen

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