Have you ever gotten fired from a job?

Ever get fired from a job? What was the reason?

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No 4
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Comments ( 15 )
  • normal-rebellious

    I got fired. And what a way to spend in the supermarket, being very very annoying. My boss, Aaron Glasson, made me spend all my money, you know you can't annoy your boss.

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  • ospry

    Got fired from two jobs in high school. One job I hated so it just meant more free time when they fired me. I liked the other job but I had to make deliveries at night and I'm night blind so I always took forever

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Yeah I worked at goodwill when I was 15 and they had me in the back tying hundreds of shoes shoelaces together. I decided to pull up a chair to do it on a table because my knees were sore. The manager came in, she had a tanning addiction and looked like a leather couch so i hated her the first time I saw her. She said "do you REEEALLY have to sit down to do that?..." i said "Wanda, you should enter a complaining contest. You would win." She looked shocked I said it.

    Next day i came in she said "hey can you come to the office for me real quick before you clock in." I knew right away I was fired.

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    I got fired from the 99 Cents Store cause I couldn't remember the prices!

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  • Holzman_67

    Too many times to count

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  • megadriver

    Laid off - once. Fired - no. Quit - twice.

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  • jethro

    Who hasn't?

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  • RoyyRogers

    Does being laid off for getting sick during the pandemic where being sick literally became illegal count as being fired? I been fired only once from a pizza job. Apperently didn't make doughs fast enough or not cooking the pizza right. I guess the ovens cooked unevenly so following the stove timers we were using to cook the pizza was incorrect. So I kept having unevenly cooked pizza but I literally followed the instructions I was given. But apparently the instructions were invalid and I was told that we had to just be able to guess when the pizza was done cooking. Ironically every other pizzeria I ever worked for said I was a great worker. I not sure why I couldn't cut it there. I also got laid off during the pandemic at the job I worked after that. Owner would regularly let Karen's come in and screech at us and start fights with other customers. None of us were paid to have descalation or security training despite being physically required to break up auctual fights. As well as chase down robbers that would raid the stores inventory that we kept at the back of the store during inventory count. This store paid us three dollar less than the current market rate. As well as refused providing medical while also requiring all medical employees to provide medical note from doctor or else being denied entrance back on premises. I talked to an employment lawyer and they said that is legal, the employer did nothing wrong and I should have been more intelligent and able to figure out how to get a doctor's note on my own. At the time all the doctors were refusing care to new patients and ER turned me away. American workers literally have no rights as employees what so ever. It's kind of shocking. Can't even legally be sick anymore.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      You had to physically break up customer fights? That’s insane.

      I got fired from a PizzaExpress 6 years ago and my friends have never let me live it down.

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      • RoyyRogers

        Yeah, I told the lawyer this and I feel like it should have been illegal but they kept telling me everything bad that happened to was totally my fault. I'm like "Why did you even accept the case if everything is my fault and legally you can abuse the employees?" I believe we at least deserved hazard pay. How did you lose your job?

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        • SkullsNRoses

          They just didn’t like me so fired me.

          My friends came in on one shift to mock me, saw me drop a plate of dough balls and were convinced that was the reason.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I've been laid-off but not fired.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yes, more than a few times.

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  • raisinbran

    Twice. The first, I don’t know why because they gave me a BS reason. The second because I forced them to fire me.

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  • Somenormie

    Currently, no.

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