Had a dream where you saw an event that occured in the future?

When I was younger, I remember having images during my dreams of things that didn't really make sense, and then became reality. Like I remember dreaming about a set of green double doors, and then the next day when I was in the car, we pulled into a church to turn around and I saw the exact same doors. Since then I've had times where I vaguely knew that I'd had a dream about what was happening but nothing closer to authentic then the dream about the doors.

Definitely once 2
Once, maybe 3
Still do! 3
Nope never have 5
A few times 13
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Comments ( 16 )
  • I've had day dreams of things that end up happening months later. The last time was at work, and just as it was ending I realized I had had a vision of that *exact* moment, down to the field of view.

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  • Mammal-lover

    I had a dream last night that included my now dead cat. I was trying to reset some power to save my friends lives with one of the people trying to kill them(they thought I outranked em cant remember what fast one I pulled) anyways while they were doing computer stuff I dint understand he jumped up on my lap and proceeded to claw my belly button piercing then act all adorable. Just like he would irl.

    God I miss him

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    • MaxineFinnFoxen

      Awh... That's really sweet. I like to think our pets visit us, but since that's probably not true at least it helps us feel better.

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  • litelander8

    Most of the time, it’s something you hadn’t noticed before and then it sticks out in your dream.

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  • ellnell

    Yeah i've had dreams about things that later on happened in real life a couple of times. First one I remember I was a kid and dreamt that my jacket disappeared and a few days later some asshole at school stole it from me. Pretty fascinating. I love dreams and dream science.

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  • olderdude-xx

    You will see everything that you accomplish in your mind before you do the creative or physical act.

    That is the very nature of man... You have to conceive of an idea in your mind before you do anything other than just exist.

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  • PonyProblem

    I have these "future" dreams all the time. Whether i remember them in great detail or not is always 50/50

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  • GeekyGold

    Yeah this happens to me sometimes but it has to do with pregnancy. Like when I dream it’s me or someone else is pregnant, later in real life I find out someone is actually pregnant. Happened when my cousin got pregnant and my sister’s friend and other family members too. I even had a dream I had a miscarriage and then a few weeks later a man I knew his lost his baby from a miscarriage.

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  • CDmale4fem

    Its like i had a dream about reading this post here on IIN. Like Deja-Vu man.

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  • MaxineFinnFoxen

    Pretty sure that's just dajavu, idk how to spell it but it means when you remember knowing something before it happened, or that it has already happened before in the exact way. Its just our brains playing tricks on ourself :(

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  • Sanara

    Multiple times but nowhere close to often. It is the reason I think that clairvoyance is real

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  • --

    I once dreamed of a red car... Yes, sooner or later I'm gonna see a red car.

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    • MaxineFinnFoxen

      I dreamed that I was taken on an expedition to a crazy island with mountain arches with tons of trees and vines all over. At the edge of some of the cliffs and scattered around the island were these circles with a statues in the middle of each one, each statue uniquely shaped as each person on earth. They would be invisible until you got within a couple yards of them, and would only become fully solid when they spoke to you. I don't remember what any of them said, but it was mostly speech as if they were a real person talking live unlike a recording or echo. They would tell us a piece of wisdom or sometimes just word art like poems that applied specifically to the closest person.
      When they finished speaking, they disappeared again until days later they might have something to say to you again.

      Me and my explorer expedition were greeted by this mysterious female animal spirit. She looked like a normal person, but there was just something about her that made me feel like she was an animal that got reincarnated as a human. Maybe the way she spoke and viewed life?

      She has a little cabin on stilts down by a lagoon that leads out to the ocean. Most of the people with me went to sleep, but I stayed up with her and a few others to watch the night sky. It got ominously darker and darker, more than normal, but then the sky lit up with beatiful turquoise clouds, making it almost as bright as day. IT WAS AMAZING! the last thing I remember is seeing oval or tear dropped white flashes in the sky among the turquoise glow, I think she told me they were migrating animals or something... But I fell asleep in my dream before I could finish listening to her.

      I was then disappointed to wake up to my cat licking me on the eye lid. I don't think any of that dream will ever happen to me irl... Maybe I'll make this a post of its own. Sorry for ramble.

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      • --

        Sounds like a pretty good trippy dream to me. I love dreams like that.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Thata never happened to me

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  • Clunk42

    I've gone through exact conversations with others in my dreams, then they occur exactly as I dreamt them to be with the only difference being that, when it actually happens, I end up thinking about how I've dreamt of it before.

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