Fat women who unexpectedly give birth

I hate how at work you see someone every day you think, nothing unusual. Then one day there's an announcement that she gave birth. I feel that it's deceptive that she didn't tell everyone she was pregnant.

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Ellenna

    Why would it be anyone else's business? Why does this bring up hate in you?

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    • RoseIsabella

      OP really shouldn't be stressing about this unless he or she is disappointed about a missed opportunity to buy the fat lady who had a baby a baby shower gift. OP can of course remedy this by simply giving the lady a gift certificate to a store that sells stuff for babies.

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  • IrishPotato

    You're fucking retarded.

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  • LloydAsher

    They can talk to whomever they want about a pregnancy. Just deal with the social akwardness we all have to deal with. And give them a good old congratulations for birthing a new child in this world.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Did you have a crush on her or something? Either way her being pregnant is none of your business. Lol

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  • sheilarae1987

    Does anyone honestly give a shit?
    Why do you?
    Was it your kid? Is that why you feel you should've been informed? To you (and how you've referred to them is) They're an overweight co-worker, not your friend.

    You don't like them, yet you're acting like you're writing a damned A&E biography on em. Gl with that.

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  • RoseIsabella

    How is it deceptive that some big girl at your work didn't tell you that she was expecting a baby? Why would anyone owe it to you to announce that she is pregnant? Are you perhaps a little booty hurt that you did not receive an invitation to her baby shower? Maybe you can send the fat lady a gift certificate to buy stuff from a place that sells baby stuff, and then you will feel better?

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    • McBean

      FYI. Men have an interesting tribal behavior. In large work groups, while socializing with other men, they will take pride in having the perceptiveness to be the first male to recognize that one of the women in their work group is pregnant. I was really good at it too. I am not sharing the cues I used to detect these pregnancies. It's MY secret.

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      • I bet you still can't smell the pregnancy in a woman's pee like a goat can. Gg.

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        • McBean

          Nope. I am not gifted with that superpower.

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      • Let me guess, you see them go to the bathroom four times more than normal.

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        • McBean

          That's one of the later signs. The signal I use shows up even before that one.

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          • yeah sure why not?

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Yeah as manager at walmart store 203 we have many unknown pregnancies. The white ones are okay to be talked about

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    • LloydAsher

      God, I am sorry you work for Walmart. My deepest condolences

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      • leggs91200

        Oh dear gyod hahahaha

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      • Ummitsstillme

        Store 203 feels sorry for your sense of humour

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        • McBean

          If you're from Brookfield, why are you spelling humour with a "u"?

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          • Ummitsstillme

            I'm not, but Jim from store 611 in Pretoria I think is English and mispells certain words, but still supports obesity and unknown pregnancies

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            • McBean


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  • you are my f*cking name in my f*cking underwear

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  • SwickDinging

    She will have told lots of people that she was pregnant - I bet all of her family and friends knew the whole time. She just didn't tell you. Unless you know her really well then why do you give a fuck?

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  • curious-bunny

    One of my coworkers got pregnant, she was pretty small build but you couldn't tell she was preggers. Just wasn't ones were it went out alot. But if you stay around her long you could. By her actions not her appearance

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