Dogs are annoying

This was inspired by another post from yesterday but I think dogs are generally annoying.

I much prefer cats. Dogs are annoying loud and bark at anything. My neighbor has a Pomeranian and I can hear it barking all day with both my window and my neighbors being shut. I despise that dog. Also the dumb cunt who owns the dog used to let it shit in my yard.

Cats are better at respecting personal space. Dogs are too cuddly, cats are want to cuddle when it’s convenient to them. When I lived with my parents my mother’s dog was up my ass 24/7. I couldn’t stand it.

I hate walking most dogs. All they want to do is sniff. The constant, sudden stopping to sniff used to strain my arm.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Vvaas

    i get why some people can find dog's annoying but tbh not all of them are like you described, with training you can usually train out undesired habits like constant barking or separation anxiety, breed plays a lot of part too in what kind of behaviour your dog will be expected to exhibit. (examples would be beagles and huskies are commonly known to be very noisy compared to something like a shiba inu which typically rarely barks or howls.)

    i trained my dog myself and he's pretty obedient, the only time he barks is if he knows there's a stranger in the house or at the door which i don't mind bc he'll stop when i tell him to

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    • Curiouskitten444

      No OP, but how do you train separation anxiety out of a dog? Asking for a friend...

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      • Vvaas

        i'd always recommend hiring a professional dog trainer however if for whatever reason you're unable to like because of money reasons there's a lot of great videos and advice online for free like on youtube. depending on the severity of the separation anxiety if it's something more mild i'd personally suggest exercising your dog a lot before you're about to go out somewhere as this would tire the dog out and they would most likely prefer to have a big nap rather than running around and panicking when you leave. give your dog something like a puzzle or treat toy to give them a distraction as well, like a kong toy filled with a high valued treat (something your dog goes crazy over, could be things like peanut butter, cheese, yoghurt, etc.) before you leave that will keep them more occupied (you can even freeze the toy with the food in it and then take it out and give it to the dog when you leave as that will take the dog even longer to finish getting all the food from the toy.) remove the special toy when you come back home and only give it to the dog during the times you leave, the dog will associate you leaving as something positive.

        if it's something more extreme like your dog just goes absolutely crazy and destroys things or cries the house down when you leave i'd suggest trying to slowly accustom the dog to being alone by starting off with short separations. for example if it's really severe you can start the dog off by maybe putting the dog in one room and closing the door while you stand outside the door for a minute out of sight and then come back in and praise the dog/give them a treat if they stay quiet and behaved. if they're fine with that you can try doing it with stepping outside of the house and pretending to leave but stay by the door for a minute or few seconds depending on how much your dog can handle at the start then come back in (also give them the little puzzle/treat filled toy before you pretend to leave as a positive reinforcement) make sure to wait 5 - 10 mins between every time you pretend to leave. when you leave and then come back in don't make a big deal out of it go in and out in a quiet and calm manner.

        you can slowly work your way up with the time until your dog starts to get use to being alone for longer times, like for example if your dog can tolerate being alone for 10 seconds without panicking/crying during the training the next day try to increase 10 seconds to 20 seconds, then the third day 30 seconds, etc. until you can work up to 5 minutes or more, then you can keep increasing the time until your dog slowly becomes desensitised to being alone.

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  • KholatKhult

    I understand not liking dogs
    But you sound like a poosy

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    • LloydAsher

      Sounds like they never encountered a well trained dog.

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  • Vvaas

    i have 2 cats and none of them have ever done any of those things

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm a dog person but have cats. Dogs arent liable to jump around and be annoying at 3 in the morning.

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  • Somenormie

    But you can say the same thing about cats they can be annoying sometimes .

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  • bbrown95

    Everybody is different when it comes to pets and that's okay. Personally, I find poorly trained dogs to be annoying (and sometimes scary), but generally like them otherwise. I just prefer more laid back dogs.

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