Do you think people should be having more or less children

What’s your honest opinion?

While largely being someone who thought the earth is too populated I’ve kind of been growing into a pronatalist.

My only concern is if ai will obsolete most jobs, and the fact that we have had no real solution/treatment for the mentally ill and disabled.

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Comments ( 49 )
  • Vvaas

    a lot of people who have no business having children have one anyway and end up mentally fucking the kid up. people should only have kids if they are mentally and financially stable otherwise it's selfish letting a child suffer under subpar conditions or in an unsafe environment because you just wanted to brag about having a kid or thinking it'll save your marriage somehow

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    • Wow3986

      So you're saying the mentally ill shouldn't have kids? That's fucked up. What's your next comment gonna be? All mentally ill people should be exterminated?

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      • up_my_ass_boiz

        ur saying kids aren't allowed to have mentally ill parents? children should be allowed to choose what kind of parents they want, talk about 'youth liberation' over here...

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        • Wow3986

          So you're that it's possible for children to choose what parents they want? Way to ignore the struggles of orphans you misogynistic bigot.

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          • up_my_ass_boiz

            it would be possible for children to choose their parents if not for the legal and cultural barriers put in place by people who want children to remain in orphanages, you're one of those people and you make me sick.

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      • Vvaas

        can i be your bf

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        • Wow3986

          Let me guess you want to take advantage of me? Twisted fuck.

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          • Vvaas

            no i think ur cute xoxo

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          • up_my_ass_boiz

            so u think that all homosexuals want to rape people and commit sexual assault??? you fucking homophobe, you heterosexist piece of shit

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            • Wow3986

              So you're defending a rapist?

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        • up_my_ass_boiz

          so ur saying you cant be their gf? why am i not surprised by the sexism on this site, u should be ashamed

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          • Vvaas

            but im a guy!! 😳

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            • up_my_ass_boiz

              so ur saying guys can't be girlfriends? smfh keep ur sexist views to urself, men and women don't have fixed roles in society and they can be whatever they set their minds to, u archie bunker loving bigot. ill be ur gf just to prove it

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    • LloydAsher

      Hey I got to adopt my future kids. The more in the supply the cheaper they are. Our preference is for total custody and lie that their real parents are dead.

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      • KholatKhult

        Yeah this is still completely insane

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      • Vvaas


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  • AsterBean

    Both. It would be lovely if only responsible people had children and the irresponsible got themselves fixed. But that isn't the way the world works. We have these things calls rights and freedoms. I may not like the choices of others, but it's not for me to tell someone they can't have the same rights as me. I just wish they were smarter. Sadly, people are stupid. And selfish.

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  • Jh9856

    Less. The world is already screwed far beyond repair.there's no point in having kids for them to have a miserable life.

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    • LloydAsher

      Pessimistic and quite selfish that you whole heartedly think that this period of history is worse than any other time period.

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      • Jh9856

        Not pessimistic,i'm a down to earth person. My point in not having kids is only sparing them from going through all this pointless unbearable burden people call "life".

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  • bigbudchonger

    More in developed countries, and less in places like Nigeria where the fertility rate is 5.3, and loads of them survive off aid.

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  • taebby22

    I feel like people have kids too easily. By that I mean -- they have them without giving it much thought. It's like 'keeping up with the Jones's'. I used to live in an uppity suburb, and everyone followed the same exact life --- they got married, immediately bought a house, waited one year, had a kid, and then waited about 10 months and had another kid, and that was that. I feel like people blindly follow what everyone else does instead of actually thinking for themselves.

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  • up_my_ass_boiz

    less. i just don't like people all that much anyway, the more of them the more noise.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      You need a steady growth of population to grow an economy. If you dont have kids they will just import the third world to grow the economy. Either way we will grow. But dont be upset if you wake up one day and dont recognize your country.

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      • AsterBean

        No you don't. Maybe a capitalistic one, but clearly that's not working out well for us. You cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet. That economic plan is grievously flawed.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          As a trucker I make more than a doctor does in Europe. American wages are great. Low income wages are worse than Europe but most people arent low income. For any skill USA pays the best in the world. And you are right theres a cap on growth but we have tons of space to grow unlike European countries.

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          • AsterBean

            So? That proves nothing. Just that there is more value placed on moving shit around by truck than healing the sick. I don't believe this is a good thing. It's not like their doctors are underpaid.

            It's a bit of a folly to think we have space to grow. To grow what, exactly? Another subdivision void of personality and treated with chemicals. Intentionally leaving out sidewalks because there is nowhere to walk to anyway. No grocery stores or parks, just a gas station.

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            • up_my_ass_boiz

              I don't like the guy, but mocking truckers ai t smart - try to have a .modern civilization without someone e "moving shit around" I used to consider being a trucker myself but I've been told they make less than do tors wage for doctor's time. I don't respect the man, but I respect his profession

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              I mentioned it because you said capitalism isnt working for us. It is though. Sidewalks and parks are definitely first world problems. Healthcare is the biggest complaint but if you have a job its good and not expensive. We have the best healthcare in the world its just expensive without insurance. But over 90% of Americans have that. The poor get government insurance.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Less people the better.

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  • LloydAsher

    We dont want lose ends. As in we want total custody and zero original parent involvement. That was the ideal.

    I dont mean that in a malicious way to the child. Just that it's more than likely the reason why the child was up for adoption in the first place was due to the original parents.

    We are going to say they were adopted we just dont want the baggage the other family would bring.

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    I am a Muslim, and I believe that Allah is the Provider. He is the one who provides for our children, enabling us to feed them, give them water, clothe them, and educate them. Our Messenger, peace be upon him, has encouraged us to have many children, as he will show us off to the other nations on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, I believe that it is important to have more children.

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  • KholatKhult

    My 2nd will be born next month, and my 1st will turn 1 next month too
    Don’t do the math

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    • Pinkpickle

      Congrats! Russian and raised on a farm those are gonna be some tough kids!

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      • KholatKhult

        Aww thank you

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  • LloydAsher

    More. Theres an ongoing demographic collapse, the more kids now means more adults in the future to pay the taxes on your retirement. This applies to all countries.

    America has a lesser problem in this regard due to immigration and the existance of the millennials.

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  • Tinybird

    Less. I hate people who fuck and less kids means less people fucking. It also means less people to be sad and suffer, and less people to destroy nature and kill animals and each other, and themselves. The world would be a better place if humans never existed. I'm just saying it objectively, that the human race has destroyed and screwed up the world, they make trash and throw it all over the place, they kill all animals, pretty much every animal extinction has been humans' fault. And plus, most humans are cunts. Less kids means less cunts.

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  • darefu

    More. I understand where a lot of you are coming from but truthfully if people wait until they feel they have enough time, money, skills, whatever you are wanting for, you'll never have kids or you'll most likely stop at one or two.

    The money issue; yes, a lot of crime comes from poor areas but it also comes from raising entitled kids. Kids that think they are entitled to have or do whatever the others have and do. Some of the smartest and brightest people came from impoverished backgrounds. Minds that developed and learned by necessity. Handing people money or what they need doesn't develop anything except dependancy.

    Some of the worst adults I know were an only child, and never wanted for anything. They also never learned to share, give and take, respect others, oh so many things we learn from our siblings. Mainly just simple respect for others.

    Just to join in with others, unless ai takes over, a population must continue to grow just to survive. Shrinking population can't even sustain the status quo.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    We need more kids in the west. Our birth rates are unsustainable. When ppl are having kids they have them later. The average age a woman gives birth now is 30. Thats the highest ever.

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    • up_my_ass_boiz

      if they start popping them out, folks such as yourself will be the first to squawk about welfare payments if the parents lack resources to feed them.

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      • I agree with the both of you here.

        I think the west needs to reproduce more but the right often fails to see the larger picture, and that more births would mean more disabled people that would need government assistance.

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        • LloydAsher

          Well unless that somehow more kids get disabilities the scaling of more disiblitated citizens vs functional ones would be stable.

          The functional ones are those who pay taxes to support those who cannot work.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Im not even against welfare. Im against incentivizing the mother to kick the man out of the house to get more welfare. Then you have young boys growing up without a role model and turn to the streets for one.

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