Do trans guys get to pick their dick size?

So say a woman becomes a man. Gets all the treatments and operations etc etc

Can they pick their own dick size? If so, could a man transition into a woman and back into a man to get a bigger cock? Or will it always be smaller because they made cuts in it and stuff? Hmmm....

Nah 6
Yeah 4
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Comments ( 10 )
  • KholatKhult

    They unravel your forearm skin like a lint roller sheet and make the hog out of that. So ladies can look at your arm and know what you’re fishing with

    I saw a dude with a tattoo on his. They didn’t give him a head though, I don’t know if he ran out of funding or what

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    • ospry

      What's even the point if it doesn't have a head?

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      • KholatKhult

        I think a lot of trans folks accept the loss of sensation if it means a more ‘gender-confirming’ life

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Bigger your dick nicer your vagina and I imagine vice versa. No surgery is permanant. Chances are there will be 2 much scarring for even a mediocre surgery job

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  • RoseIsabella

    That surgery really fucks up their arms.

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  • litelander8

    I saw a very informative TikTok about the matter and yes, they do get to pick size. But they didn’t go into whether it shrinks or gets bigger when hard.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I saw a documentary of this chic that wanted to be a dude so they implanted a cock and balls. Only the balls were a pump. So when she wanted to fuck she'd say "hold on a minute" and start TSSSS....TSSSS...TSSSS... and squewze the balls which would pump her cock hard.

    It made me depressed how is it ok to allow this shit? This is mental illness my guys we just implanted a sex toy on this poor girl. This can not make her feel better about herself i aint buying it.

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    • Yaidin

      I mean it's their choice, even if it's a stupid one.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        My fear is the media makes it seem like the cure to all their problems. But when they go through with it and they see the result of their destroyed body often still not resembling the other sex at all thats gotta be even more depressing. Alot of them kill themselves even after surgery

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  • LloydAsher

    Since the surgery requires pre existing material to work with its determined by how much you might have and how much work does testasterone do to your button.

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