Disagree with my friends about camping

So,my friends and I are planning a camping trip for a couple of days. I was planning on packing the Bare necessities
So,no fridge ect.My friend completly disregarded the idea as he couldn't imagine eating a meal made from tin food let alone cereal for breakfast, he was wanting to bring a fridge, a large gas stove that has three hot plates and even a portable sink. I asked if he wanted to go glamping instead and he got really offended.
The activitie that we wanted to do are hiking and swimming and I couldn't think of anything worse than eating sausages, steakettes and backon and eggs before going hiking.
I thought camping was to go without every day luxurys plus it would be practicall to only pack light as we are only taking one car for 4 people.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Tinybird

    Now I am humming Bare necessities from Jungle book

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    • Michael1991

      Nice, thats a good movie

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  • olderdude-xx

    He's not a camper. I don''t do camping trips with people like that.

    Now I have eaten hearty bacon, eggs, and sausage breakfasts and done hiking and climbing afterwords (its loaded with calories and if you are into serious hiking and climbing you will need the calories: When hiking the Appalachian Trail I figure that I averaged 7000 calories a day - and was very fit with no excess body fat: bacon, eggs, sausage were wonderful).

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