Can i rename my son after birth (he's 13)

My son has some problems, he has been saying more and more homophobic and transphobic things.

Because of this I was thinkling of renaming him to something like Gaylord. Yes its a real name. I would only do it for a bit obviously until he saw what it was like to be bullied. Can I do it or not?

No he's to old to legally rename 10
Yes you can legally change his name 11
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Comments ( 18 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    That's not going to help, it'd only make him bitter, which would increase the hatred inside him.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Came to comment this.

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  • Somenormie

    What do you possibly hope to achieve by wanting to change his name? if he is saying homophobic and transphobic things it is better to talk to him about these stuff face to face but by changing his name to Gaylord you're asking for him to be ridiculed by other students and chances are he would probably never want to talk to you.

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    • powertothepeople

      I want him to be ridiculed that's the reason I'm doing this. Then he'll learn not to be a bigot

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      • Somenormie

        I get that but ridiculing him with a name that he potentially doesn't like is not the answer. As I've said previously it would be better if you talk to him face to face as to why its unacceptable by you talking to him face to face he'll eventually understand why its unacceptable and he'll soon come to terms when you talk face to face with him.

        Renaming him can also become very detrimental to his mental health which you may not realize when you ridicule him with that name as well as his wellbeing. Please bare in mind that the name Gaylord has some negative connotations and you wouldn't like to have your son bullied nor would you like it if someone were to rename you that name hence why I strongly think you should reconsider the repercussions.

        If taking an honest conversation face to face doesn't work for both of you the next course of action I'd suggest is for both of you to book an appointment to get professional help from there they can help with your sons problematic issues as well as developing an inclusive attitude and also some strategies in order to go supporting himself.

        In short renaming your son is not ever recommended and is not the solution.

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  • Clunk42

    I side with your son on this occasion.

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  • sweetone89

    Sometimes a person could say things so hateful because he/she is one and doensn't want anyone to know. Do you think your son could be gay?

    Anyhow, don't change his name. It is pointless. And you should never want people to bully your child for anything...the trauma and memories never go away.

    Also, behavior is learned, are YOU doing anything that could be considered homopobic?

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  • AsterBean

    It's doubtful a judge would sign off on that. I had a friend change their daughter's name shortly after she was born because they realized another name suited her better. Both were totally normal and not done out of spite. Maybe you should focus on being a better parent than finding a way to humiliate your kid. You're probably doing a decent job of that without dragging the law into it.

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  • swimmingmoose

    I voted yes as a joke but are you serious?

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  • litelander8

    Just make a fake certificate saying that you changed his name. DUHHHHH. I fuck with my kids all the time. But not to scar them for life, ya freak!

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  • MonteMetcalfe want to rename your son's 13 year old afterbirth?

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  • Tinybird

    This is obviously a troll post.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Are people actually taking this seriously? Lol

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The gaylord family is worth millions. But they still have that gay ass name.

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  • powertothepeople

    I've already talked to him he just calls me a faggot lover

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    • Tinybird

      You just said the f slur omg you're homophobic

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  • Anonnet

    Ignore all these losers, do it. If he's a strong kid, this will just make for a great story later in his life.

    He may or may not get resentful and cut ties, but you can rest knowing that every time he tells that story, whoever he tells it to will be laughing their asses off at his stone cold face.

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    • powertothepeople

      Thank you, he deserves that after the homophobic thing he's been saying

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